Dutch Passion Groff Labs: 16x AutoUltimates - 1 nute bottle battle + light schedule test + timelapse

Hey @Groff

How many times during your grow do you defoliate your gals?

I let the girls tell me. This was the second time this grow, by the looks of it I will be doing at one more in about 1.5 weeks. Dutch Passions states this is a 70 day strain, and I'm at day 42 today. I'm used to seeing them go 85 days using 20/4, this grow I'm doing full 24/0 to check for myself if I see any significant difference. First time ever for me!

So fi they do finish around day 70, I'll do one more deleafing round. If they goe to 85 I may pinch her more around day 70. It is a factor of how bushy, canopy and how long they decide to go.
Day 49 from seed.

All good, nothing to see, move along :coffee: … gave another watering. After a 24h bubble, adding fishmix, two tbl spoons of epsom salts, and bubbling another 24h usual AACT tea, as mentioned before. I really dislike Biobizz's pH, it's not a strong buffer at all, I reverted back to phosphoric acid based pH (-) to make the bacterial brewing more stable and efficient.

Very light deleafing, opening up the central area of each pot. Also moved some pots around for better light usage. Mag deficiency apparently under control. Average temps have risen a little into the 27-30ºC range, but thankfully ambient RH has also dropped, in the room currently a neat 45-50%, seems I wont be needing the dehumidifier :headbang: havent had much time to check VPD, but from experience I know I'm in the sweet spot, or very close to it.




Sorry for the crappy pics, it really is the best I can do right now juggling RL at the moment
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Day 54 from seed ... the adventure continues! But I'm in for a world of hurt. There is a massive heat wave incoming, with temps well over 30ºC, in certain regions around 40ºC. This means I'll be expecting around 35ºC from tomorrow until mid next week :cuss::cuss::cuss: - and maybe longer! Right now temps are 30ºC in the room with ambient outside 25ºC. I may try to crank the exhaust during the day with lights on, but no way during evening/night due to neighbours. Oh well... it is what it is.We'll see how it goes, and if needed, well ... switch off some lights? Give them some lights-off? I don't really want to do this as I'm testing 24/0, but at the same time if I have to switch off lights, development is hindered. Dammit!

I'm also starting to get really annoyed with blurples. It really screws with the time lapse photography. Final quality will suck despite white balancing and color correction.

Anyway, here goes. Gave them another feed today, this time only worm casting tea. Slight tip burn from previous feed, so no fish mix nor Epsom this time round. pH 6.5

Some nice scents starting to emanate...

My eyes!!! Aaaarg!!! My eyes!!! :crying:


Ok, now with blurples off








Damn this heat wave, couldn't have come at a worse time :sadcry:
What size pots are you using?

15L autopot pots only (without the system), I wanted squared pots so I could make a tighter matrix of plants together, unlike round pot that "waste" space.
Not filled up to the top, so I'd say around 10 -12L of medium
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In the meantime, made this little short feature film... Not happy with it, will make another attempt sometime

hey groff great video i remember watching your blackberry auto video years ago you ever think bout doing more
hey groff great video i remember watching your blackberry auto video years ago you ever think bout doing more

Thank you :bighug: yeah, I recently got back into it, though I'm really starting to get pissed off by blurples as I mentioned above. Really messes with the end result no matter what white balancing and color correction I use. I'm doing a timelapse of this very grow, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, you can check out my other videos here -> http://www.youtube.com/c/WillyGroff and if you enjoy feel free to subscribe to get notified of new content.

Cheer bro :pass: