Outdoor Gringo's 2017 New England Guerilla Grow

Mar 28, 2015
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Hey folks.

Got a sweet spot staked out for this year's outdoor guerilla grow. I ran a single plant out there last year and had some success, so this year I'm expanding my operation to three plants.

I'm running 2x Dinafem Blue Widow and 1x HSO Black D.O.G., both chosen for short flowering cycles and mold resistance, as the summers hereabouts can get pretty muggy toward the end.

Last year, I filled my holes with composted soil from the agriculture dept. at a state college. This year I'm going with a 50/50 mix of Vermicrop Organics' Vermifire and Promix HP. I'll be amending here and there with GH calmag and bottled nutes should deficiencies present themselves.

My seeds are in starter pots under CFLs right now, and they've only been above ground a few days. I'm aiming to transplant by the end of the month.

My holes are dug and filled already.. I used in total, 2 bags of Vermifire and about 2/3 bail of Promix. Pretty excited about this one, and will hopefully get some great pics to share with everyone. Fun times ahead!
Hey folks.

Got a sweet spot staked out for this year's outdoor guerilla grow. I ran a single plant out there last year and had some success, so this year I'm expanding my operation to three plants.

I'm running 2x Dinafem Blue Widow and 1x HSO Black D.O.G., both chosen for short flowering cycles and mold resistance, as the summers hereabouts can get pretty muggy toward the end.

Last year, I filled my holes with composted soil from the agriculture dept. at a state college. This year I'm going with a 50/50 mix of Vermicrop Organics' Vermifire and Promix HP. I'll be amending here and there with GH calmag and bottled nutes should deficiencies present themselves.

My seeds are in starter pots under CFLs right now, and they've only been above ground a few days. I'm aiming to transplant by the end of the month.

My holes are dug and filled already.. I used in total, 2 bags of Vermifire and about 2/3 bail of Promix. Pretty excited about this one, and will hopefully get some great pics to share with everyone. Fun times ahead!

Awesome bud!! We are running the same strain!(Dina Blue Widow) Mine will be grown in limited sun so hoping for 1/4-1lb. Good luck, will be by as much as i can!

Hey 912, I remember that training guide from PPN.. it's pretty awesome. At the time it sold me on defoliating. My Blue Dream got a lil stressed and ended up giving me 50+ feminized seeds. Not exactly the win I expected, but still a win!
Hey 912, I remember that training guide from PPN.. it's pretty awesome. At the time it sold me on defoliating. My Blue Dream got a lil stressed and ended up giving me 50+ feminized seeds. Not exactly the win I expected, but still a win!

Defoliation is one of those techniques that can certainly add some stress to plants perhaps too much for some strains. Also i dont defoliate whole plants at a time, instead only parts at a time.
OK, the ladies are in their new homes. They had a rough trip out with me dumbly deciding to take a new route this time and getting lost in the woods at night, stumbling around with a Rubbermaid tote. Wife was PISSED!! I was surprised I finally found the place, but thrilled to come back the next day and see them bouncing back already, getting blasted with full sun at 4:30 PM. I think they're going to like it there.

HSO Black D.O.G. ---------->



Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
This one kept growing into my CFL at home, hence the burnt leaves. I know she'll bounce back nicely ---------->



Aaand Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] ---------->



Thanks for checking in, I'll be back next week with an update!
Are you worried about deer at all? Looks like its going to be fun one to watch. Thanks for posting Gringo.what's your temps?

Hey Sundog, temps are averaging around the mid 60s here, but getting to where most days are 70+. I am a little worried about deer.. not necessarily eating the plants because there's pretty good food competition growing all around, but more trampling on them because they wander through here and there. If they thrive a few more weeks I'm hoping to be in good shape since I was able to get through the entire season last summer in one of those spots. So we'll see I guess!