Dinafem Grim & Herman's RDWC Adventure

That tents gunna be stuffed lol :xlaugh:Are you not using rhizo Grim ? :Sharing One:

It sure will thanks for commenting man.
We had Rhizo but we have used all of it now, besides that we didnt want to add anymore N as we clearly have enough of it in the base nutes. I know Rhizo is great as root stress reliever and also a great root enhancer but is there any reason you would recommend using it besides that?
Recirculating Deep Water Culture.
It recirculates the water from a common reservoir to an individual/s reservoir.
Lots and lots of youtube examples

Oh my God what a setup you guys have! Awesome! I am so going to follow this one. My respects! Awesome you use CANNA Aqua too. I see I didnt go wrong with that choise..
Recirculating Deep Water Culture.
It recirculates the water from a common reservoir to an individual/s reservoir.
Lots and lots of youtube examples
Thanks for explaining that one Greay Bear :)

Oh my God what a setup you guys have! Awesome! I am so going to follow this one. My respects! Awesome you use CANNA Aqua too. I see I didnt go wrong with that choise..

Hey MedGrower thanks for comment. As long as you are using a recirculating system CANNA Aqua is a better choice as its designed for that single purpose.
Grim/Herman, I'm speechless, this is so much fun to watch. You got skills guys, it's going to be a rainforest pretty soon, fantastic! :grat:
Sorry about that how many times do you drain and refill in one day
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Looking Great Grim! looks like you have got your head round this hydro lark! wish I could say the same haha :coffee2:
Grim/Herman, I'm speechless, this is so much fun to watch. You got skills guys, it's going to be a rainforest pretty soon, fantastic! :grat:
Hey Dazed good to see you dude. Cheers dude we will see what happens now that shes starting to flower up.
Sorry about that how many times do you drain and refill in one day
No need to be sorry gost. IWS who are the manufacturer of this system recommend that the system should be drained every 8 hours for about 30 mins and then released back into the pots.

Looking Great Grim! looks like you have got your head round this hydro lark! wish I could say the same haha :coffee2:

Thanking you Lewb, im thinking this is nearly easier than soil. Il be over to have a look at yours as soon as i can man.
Week 7

Hello Folks we are just starting week 7 now and oh my have these babies grown.
The plants have got so big that we have decided to transplant some out of the tent and RDWC system to give the other plants a better chance.
We Transplanted 3 of the bigger Cheese Auto XXL pheno into a Irish peat moss growing medium so that the rest of the cheese ladies have an equal amount of light.
We also transplanted the smaller weaker Moby Dicks Auto XXL phenos into the same medium as the Cheese Auto XXL.

Cheese Auto XXL before we took some out:



As you can see they are growing on top of each other:



After we took some Cheese Auto XXL out it really gave the rest more space:




Here is what we done to the plants that were taken out of the RDWC system:


Unfortunately one or two of the Cheese Auto XXL got a little super cropped with all the moving around in such a over crowded space:


Not to mind take a look at the main stem and these girls still have another 5 -7 weeks left.


The same was done to the Moby Dick Auto XXL Tent but i just didnt have the time to take a lot of shots.
So here they are all nicely spread out:





Into the 350L Reservoir this week we added:

  • CANNA Aqua Flores A+B - 875ml ( 3ml per L )
  • CANNA Mono Calcium 175ml ( 0.5ml per L )
  • CANNA Mono Magnesium 175ml ( 0.5ml per L )
  • CANNA Mono Trace Elements 175ml ( 0.5ml per L )
  • Growth Technology Silicon 150ml ( 0.5ml per L )
  • General Hydroponics H2o2 350ml ( 1ml per L )

PH: 5.8 EC:1.6 RES Temp: 18C Light on: 28-30C Light Off: 19-21C