@Couch_Lock We can respect your experiences and opinions, and certainly without this turning into some "put up your dukes and let's fight" match
There is STAGGERING evidence about Greybeard ripping off customers, ripping off genetics, relabeling genetics, etc.
It's not one or two people, it's HUNDREDS (if not thousands,) and big name companies and players in cannabis lol... I mean I get it, we shouldn't jump to conclusions. But when EVERYONE is consistently saying the same things about a guy, over a period of years, well... it's likely a safe bet.
I've personally dealt with Robin Curtis, I was going to invite Greybeard to come onto AFN at one point. He was soooooooooooooooooooooo shady in how that conversation went down, then he started busting my balls about how we did things here, and ultimately I pulled the offer from the table. It was after that his mods from FB page came and spent about a week shit talking us on our own page/group, where we had to ban them all.
I am in nearly every autoflower group that I've found on Facebook, and you barely even see that name mentioned anymore, because for every one Greybeard post, there's 10+ replies from ripped off, pissed off customers with the same consistent bad experiences.
He's got a HORRIBLE attitude in general, doesn't care about customers, brings up major concerns with ethics/values, etc. Let's keep growers safe. Let's keep consumers safe. Let's help people get the genetics they actually think they are getting.