Indoor GreenJeans' Garden

DAY 32:

I Couldn't wait, and decided to put her in the net last night. She had recovered pretty well this morning, and I readjusted. I lowered the net a bit and moved things around.

Now we'll see what she's gonna do. I see over 20 potential colas. It is up to her now. I am going to change her res tomorrow, and go with a "transition" schedule at 1/3 strength, with probably 2/3 strength on the additives.

This is as of right now..

DAY 33:

I changed the res early this morning, as she had pretty much drank it completely dry. At this point, I like to let them drink a full res so the roots get air time before changing it. With a 3.5 gallon DWC, it doesn't take long. In full flower, she will drink it in about 3 days. It is a little more work, but I think it gives me more control.

I went with an "early flower" mix instead of "transition", and I went just a hair under half-strength with the base, and 3/4 strength on some of the additives. 1/2 on others.

She is reaching for the light, but still a little droopy from the res change. Here are a few pics. I'll post one up when she starts sitting up, too. And then we wait.

Sitting pretty, as promised.

She seems fully recovered from the scrog this evening and is reaching for the sky. I will update again when I see some action to report on. It is a waiting game at this point. I hope she throws down with some of that Fantasmo Express stretchyness! I raised my lights some to see if I can induce it.

Anyway, here she is looking like she is ready to rock and roll. See you when I see you...

DAY 37:

I Changed the res yesterday and then worked about 11 hours. When I got home, I opened the cabinet and she shot up nearly two inches!

I am contemplating rearranging her in the net one last time. There are still bud sites that aren't getting enough light.

Here she is..

DAY 39:

If you look carefully at the previous pics, you may be able to see that the lower-left section just hasn't shot up like the rest of the plant.

I had hoped they would try to catch up, but they haven't.

They are not getting enough light.

So I tied low on some branches and spread these areas out a bit more. I also moved a couple of branches in the scrog. This will be the last adjustment. I can see a noticeable difference in light penetration, and it even exposed some new sites on the right side of the plant.

Here she is after the final adjustments. The most I will do from here is a little tucking as needed.

She's gonna be a doozy, folks.. Hopefully she will give me another 30 days of hardcore flowering. I am going to give her a few more days and hit her with a full-on bloom mix.

DAY 41:

I bumped up the feed a bit and hit her hard with all of the additives. I added in some cfls on the area that didn't stretch as much, too. She is standing up pretty. Now she needs to pack on some weight..

DAY 51 Update:

She is in beast mode.. She drank the res dry while I was at work last week and sat dry for over 12 hours before I caught it, and some leaves yellowed off. But she didn't miss a beat. I am aggravated that she doesn't look all perfect anymore, but whatever.

With that said, she has really started putting on the weight. Here she is today.
