Indoor GreenJeans' Garden


She is coming along nicely.. I am changing the reservoir, and feeding her for the first time.

Feed was (into 3 gallons of water) 5ml grow, 2.5ml bloom, 2.5ml RapidStart, 6ml Cal Mag, .5ml Floralicious Plus.
1.5ml DM Zone.
PHed to 5.6 for the swing..

Basically, it is 1/6 strength. I use the following feed chart. I use the categories on the left like "Early Growth" or "Mid-Bloom" As a guideline, but base it on the actual signs the plant gives me rather than paying attention to the "weeks" mentioned in the chart.

Then, using that ratio, I adjust for what strength I want. If I want 1/3, I mix one gallon's worth of nutrient solution with 3 gallons of water, and adjust as I think it is necessary.

Here is the feed chart I am working from.


And Here is a pic of Miss SODK X Fantasmo on day 12..

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Something worth mentioning here is that on my last grow, I found that while Autos are sensitive to nutrients, it seems to mostly be about the "Grow" and "Bloom" nutes. For instance, you'll notice that while I cut the per gallon ratio in half for the A and B, I didn't for the RapidStart. Same with bloom. I use the ratio I have worked up to on the A and B, but I use the Liquid Koolbloom and FloraNectar at full strength, and even over full strength late in bloom.

Just something I noticed. It seems like you can be more aggressive with some of the additives as long as you are maintaining your 1/2 strength (or whatever you end up at) with the base nutrients. That is my plan again with this one. We'll see if the theory holds up through a second grow. If so, I will probably come up with my own feed chart.
DAY 18:

Fresh reservoir. Between 1/4 and 1/3 strength solution. Had a ph dip that gave me some calcium spots.. No huge deal. I am thinking I will do some pony tailing and some bending to get her ready to be tied down this week.

Tied down and manipulated..
I removed a few fan leaves from what is now the bottom, and bent and tucked until I got close to the shape I am looking for. Over the next few days I will change the reservoir and bump her up to 1/3 strength nutrient solution. Then, I tuck and wait for the stretch before we bust out the scrog net.


My expectation is that over the next 7-14 days she will first veg a bit more and some of the currently immature bud sites will mature and stretch, then she should be preflowering near the end of that timeframe. Once some of the inner branching shoots up and begins to form a more even canopy I will put my SCROG net in and we will be off to the races!
DAY 26:

She didn't skip a beat. Recovered from the tie down/trim within hours. She looked great all day yesterday.
I tied her down a bit more today. Just to get that light inside.

Here is a before and after.

The recovery after being bent over and trimmed a little..


And the new LST work..

Now is the time that I need to get as much height from it as I can. Hopefully it will stretch enough to get into a scrog. I will know in a week or so. I'll keep tucking as needed trying to keep light on the inner/lower sites to get them to stretch through the middle. With any luck she will stretch all the way into preflower. She is showing the earliest signs of preflower now, so hopefully this LST will have her stretching like crazy for the next week.
DAY 30:

Well, she hasn't stretched as much as I would have liked, but she is looking good. I will give her another few days, and put her in the SCROG net as best as I can..


I re-strung my SCROG net, so it is ready to go. I am having a hard time waiting to throw it in. She is still just barely trying to flower, so I think I have plenty of time, but I really want to get more light to those inner bud sites as early as possible so they can mature more. The more mature they are when full flower-mode kicks in, the better they will all explode.

Here is the net and another shot of her before the SCROG..
