New Grower Greenhouse experiment: how adaptable are autos??

Jun 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hey guys

This will be my first proper grow journal so please be kind and I will try to post as much info as possible and update as often as I can.

I'm a fairly new grower and still learning and in the spirit of that I've decided to try a little experiment into low Maintenance greenhouse growing. For this experiment I will be growing one "Quick one" from royal queen seeds. The plant has been started in the greenhouse from seed and Germinated in 4 days, we are now 4 days old since popping her head and growth has been good. Seeing her get a little bigger each day.

Originally I did not ph the water when soaking the soil which did not seem to affect germination but I was soon worrying so gave a very mini "flush" with a ph 6.3 water and 2ml rhizotonic per litre. Well thankfully all seems good, the young girl is growing at a nice pace.

Now as I said this is going to be a "low maintenance" kind of grow. I don't exactly have too much control over environmentals, such as temperature or humidity but I can open the door on my greenhouse on the occasional overly sunny day I get! All I plan to do is keep her Fed and watered using the same nutes I use Indoors but other than that I plan to let mother nature do her thing and find out just how adaptable an autoflower can be.

Daytime temperatures in the greenhouse vary from anything between 15 degrees Celsius and 35+ degrees Celsius ( on a hot day ). So I want to know will the plant adapt to these varied and somewhat extreme changes and conditions and still produce a credible amount of bud at the end. I figure if she's born in to it she will adapt to her environment and find a way to live and produce flowers, of course I may be way off but time will tell.

If a successful experiment then hooray!!! I have an extra way to grow bud at almost no cost and little maintenance! If unsuccessful then hopefully I will have at least spread a little knowledge.

Feeds I use are, Canna vega, rhizotonic, pk13/14, unnamed bloom nute, and mollases.

I have no idea what to expect from this grow and look forward to finding out and sharing the experience with the AFN family. And if anyone has any similar kind of experience or knowledge to what I'm doing I would love to hear from you.

Some pics of the girl and her home.

Thanks guys stay lit
Hey guys hope everyone is having/has had a nice 'n' easy day :smoking:

Quick update for ya on my greenhouse Quick one. Temperatures have cooled off after some abnormally hot weather ( daytime temps of 28 degrees Celsius ) that's hot where I am!! Daytime temps now around 18 degrees Celsius and set to stay this way for the next week. I don't think this drop in temperature will bother my girl and she has continued to grow well today. She is day 5 today.

I will update again when I have more info for you guys. Enjoy the pics and stay lit :pass:

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Hey guys hope everyone is having/has had a nice 'n' easy day :smoking:

Quick update for ya on my greenhouse Quick one. Temperatures have cooled off after some abnormally hot weather ( daytime temps of 28 degrees Celsius ) that's hot where I am!! Daytime temps now around 18 degrees Celsius and set to stay this way for the next week. I don't think this drop in temperature will bother my girl and she has continued to grow well today. She is day 5 today.

I will update again when I have more info for you guys. Enjoy the pics and stay lit :pass:
Great start love seeing the OD grows as well as Greenhouses. Good luck with them as they look like they are off to a good start.
Great start love seeing the OD grows as well as Greenhouses. Good luck with them as they look like they are off to a good start.

Thank you :thanks: she's a lonely soldier at the moment but if all goes well I've just got some Royal cheese auto seeds and critical auto seeds that may be joining her :muahaha:

Stay lit bro :pass:
Plants really take off in a greenhouse,I really enjoy seeing autos do there they outdoors,a greenhouse provides the best of both worlds and gives em protection from the elements,great start and welcome to afn .
Plants really take off in a greenhouse,I really enjoy seeing autos do there they outdoors,a greenhouse provides the best of both worlds and gives em protection from the elements,great start and welcome to afn .

Thanks for the confidence bro. I've done some digging and reading of other journals and I see this is not really an experiment to you guys at all! but it still is for me so ill keep the journal going for my own reference and of course anyone who just wants to watch an autoflower do her thing (so pretty).

Stay lit bro :pass: