Sweet Seeds Green Poison XL auto in a 30 gallon pot!

Sent the 2 seds to paper towel this morning. One had a tiny radicle already! I'll plant both in .75L pots and the best of the two will go into the 30 gallon pot at transplant the other will also be kept and transplanted. Undecided what size pot. maybe one og my 6" square pots just to see how it fares.
That's the plan once I'm legal and dealing with a plant count. Growing isn't "officially" legal yet here....

With 30 gallons, I'd plant 3 or 4 seedlings and then cull down to 2 (or even 3, with 3 involving 10 gallons/plant, which is still a lot).
It's a 4'x4' ( 1.2M x 1.2M ) garden tray. Very hard to get over here right now, as the one company that makes them is in the U.K. and there are no distributors here. I've been waiting for a second tray since March, shipping time is estimated as June 22..................

I did a 24 plant SOG in it. when the plants were mature, I just poured 5-10 gallons of solution into the tray! That was good for about 4 days.

That is a massive amount of soil. I hope it goes extremely well. What tray is that under your pot? Just something that came with your tent or is it a washing machine undertray?
Earlier this year I mixed about 1000L of coco and perlite (300L was from the previous year) on a tarp. Then amended it with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, 2kg Bio Nova MicroLife, 170gr Magnesium Sulfate and 100gr Calcium Nitrate. Hosed it down until soaked and let rest for a month. Afterwards flushed everything once transferred in to pots. Took some time, but payed of nicely I must say. Everything in the greenhouse is loving it's new medium. :thumbsup:
5 gallon buckets of it, I'm old and bad shoulders lol! I'm seriously thinking about buying a cheap Harbor Freight cement mixer to mix soil....
I have a Harbor Freight Cement Mixer and have used it for exactly that :baked:.