Harvest update- Apollo black cherry
  • Both Apollo black cherry girls have been harvested. Roughly a week apart… The GLB tester was first.

    This one was dry trimmed this am and placed in paper grocery bags for a sweat before jarring.

    and ABC #2 that was harvested this am…

    This one will be dry trimmed on Wednesday and follow the same path as #1.

    also weight update on Mack&Crack #1 & 2
    #1 final dry weight after 5 day dry and 2 day sweat… 69.5 grams. GLB tester
    #2 final dry weight after 5 day dry and 2 day sweat… 72 grams Non tester that went a week longer than #1

    so far, my opinion on the amendments:
    I have never seen fades like this in my normal grows, all plants faded nicely… even non testers.
    My plants seemed way happier with GLB than without. It definitely made the nugs dense and the oil and trichomes production was definitely heavy!
    I think with time and some fiddling with doses I believe that I could’ve done better… I didn’t feed heavy/push plants as I didn’t know what to expect.

    All in all- beneficial to my grow and during veg I could visibly see the benefits. Again, thanks to @GreenLifeBiotics for this chance to test an amazing product. I’ll update later with Apollo black cherry final weights!
    Apollo Black Cherry #1 GLB tester final dry wt
  • After a 5 day dry and 2 day sweat in paper grocery bags the weight is over (giggle)…

    ABC #1 GLB tester final dry wet is 108.21g = 3 oz, 24.21g

    I am very happy with the yield and will update next Friday with the final dry wt of ABC #2 non GLB as the comparison, and final dry yield of the total run.
  • APK#11 - Day 101

    7 gal

    This plant basically grew from what was available in my super soil and GLB Ammendments. I added some Maxigro here and there but nothing like I normally do and she's still a beast. Looking forward to trying to push my next grow to the limits.

    Still foxtailing but not much i can do about it now. I'm guessing it's due to Temps. Im trying to keep up on the dieing leaves to make sure they dont receed into the buds and cause bud rot. Trich check says it's about harvest time so. I'll check back in, in a couple weeks with a weigh in and bud shots.




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    Final weights, and overview!
  • Alrighty then, down to brass tacks (tax?)

    final weights of tester and non tester plants. All were harvested and processed in the exact same fashion. Both non tester plants went a week longer than test plants. Here are the final weights…

    Test plant- 69.5g
    Non test- 72g one week longer

    Apollo black cherry-
    Test plant- 108.21g
    Non test- 85g

    the Apollo black cherry tester obviously benefitted greatly from GLB amendments as the weight can attest to, even though the non test plant grew a week longer.

    the Mack and crack doesn’t seem to be affected, neither positively nor negatively using GLB amendments.

    All in all, in my personal opinion… and with some “playtime” i.e. tweaking of rates, etc I believe that these products could be a breakout product for the whole industry! I haven’t seen any product(s) that so positively effect the plant, in all stages of growth. A great product for tinkerers that want to maximize their plants and also a great product that novice growers can use and feel confident in!

    I did not push my plants, approximately middle on the doses verging on the lower. All in all it was an excellent and informative experience! When I can budget it I will be placing an order!