:woohoo1::clapper::clapper::clapper::woohoo1:- more great results pouring in-- :thanks:... Well done, testers, keep the Ju-Ju juicy!

:drool: holy poop tea dude, that RBF is a lummox! Her aroma is pretty unique I hear, what's the feedback from yours?

Hey Tony, the auto's are doing well, but I have quite the disparity in the degree of fading - View attachment 1484038
I'm staying very close to the schedule for EMC Kelp+soil; 2-3ml in 3/4gal for BA; stepping up the LOM;, staying with 1ml RTS; steady on the Micro as well... Brix 1-2ml, depending on the plant.
BTW, the EMCK is becoming pretty rancid smelling, is that normal?
Again, all are in "super" soil, 9L pots... View attachment 1484038

>>> JackSummerLove - fading hard! She started first, rapidly, so I eased off the EMCK and Brix...(these two are what can accelerate the availability and uptake rate + draw from leaf reserves, right?). Early on I did get tip burn and curling, so I backed off those for a little while...
I'm now giving her some feeds 3-2-2 organic to try and slow this fade-out down! She's waaaay too pale now, bud building slowed down...:doh:
...sure looks like mainly N defciciency....
View attachment 1484040View attachment 1484041View attachment 1484042

>>> Orange Bbgum- moderate fade, still looks a bit much this early...
View attachment 1484043View attachment 1484044

>>> Strawberry Kush- smallest plant, best buds! Still holding green...
View attachment 1484045View attachment 1484046View attachment 1484047

.... My worry with extra feeds was if I gave the first two more fert's, the potential for burning would spike,... that, or lay off most of the line-up which seemed counter productive as well...

so with those bottom leaves a few questions hie much and how soluble is your magnesium? So fading in just the bottoms is many times magnesium. I say this as if you are using our micro DS that has sulfur in it and chlorophyll needs magnesium sulfur and molybdenum to be created and as mag can translocate easier it many times is there but he splotchy nature of the leaves seem to show maybe more that one issue. If it was potassium deficiency or lockout usually you would see throughout the plant unless this is just the beginning of it. Usually when the leaves start to turn yellow with brown spots it’s calcium. So my first question would be do you give your plants consistent cal and mag or only sparingly?
Seed Stockers, Rucu Cucu - Day 78
M3 super soil
Still pushing the high Bloom Accel dosing and getting a good fade. Not much longer for this girl.

(1 X 3-4 days) - 2 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Enhance @ 0.5ml, Micro@ 0.1ml, Brix@ 2ml and Accel@ 6ml)





Old Sage Seeds, Acid Patch Kids - Day 70
M3 super soil
Doing well and her buds are fattening up. Some signs of deficiency creeping in but at this point with 2-3 weeks left, I'm not overly worried about it.

(1 X 3-4 days) - 2 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Enhance @ 0.5ml, Micro@ 0.1ml, Brix@ 2ml and Accel@ 2ml)


:smoking: Hi Tony, I hope the weekend was a blast!

All the biology will get funky at higher temperature and that’s all biology. Best case is to keep under 70 degrees but in grow environments that are higher temps can start activating the biology. When we create it we put it into suspension but once they get active with higher heats it can get a little tough just like any fish as well. I will say our regular emc is usually less aromatic unless getting too warm because is the Fulvic acid.
Ooooh, funky doesn't cover it remotely- :rofl:... funky was when I first opened it, it's downright rancid! Powerful rotten egg + fecal stink dominates... I know it's not supposed to ever smell nice, but this is beyond the pale (in my experience), so I wanted to check with you and see if this could have gone truly sour and isn't functional anymore.
It was stored cool, unopened for a few weeks before use; since it's been room temp's or a bit cooler...

EnhanceMC Kelp will make more available but no where close to the original but the Brix57 will will create and sustain biology which will convert more nutrients so the plants will want more food and if not enough wil create deficiencies. That being said the plant is just trying to get closer to its potential so the pot just does not have enough in it to get there.

if you are using different Brix57 numbers in pots that may be a part of the issue if disparity of fading
Yup, it's why I asked for the EMCK instead... Brix is exacerbating it for sure! :coffee::crisps:
I'm not sure I'm following the reaction path here mate, let me ask you a few things...
If the soil life is ramped up like that, and converting/cycling nutrients faster and thus more readily available, why then is there such a strong draw off the fan leaves for what mobile nutes they can release? I ask in a general sense, not just my specific case which I'm certain is partly due to the KIS soil getting tapped out... Shouldn't there be less demand to pull from the leaves if the soil is pushing out more nutrients than usual, even when plenty are in there? Or was I on the right track with the elevated co-linked demand as per the Mulder's Wheel I posted above?
More specifically, I'd like to figure out exactly what happened in my case, with what appears to be heavy N drain and defc., and/or SO4... Defc. symptoms are quite similar...
As I mentioned, earlier (pre-bloom) I was getting mild tip burn and curling when the dosage got too high, so it's clear this "burst-release" thing is, well, a thing!

I have been dosing the Micro as well, actually on the heavy side of dosing, certainly not light... I know how subtle jam-ups happen with "hidden" micronute defc.'s , not showing outright defc. symptoms but suspect compromised metabolism in some part of the "machine"...
Brix has been going in at the same rate for all, in fact less than 2ml, knowing the effect is has on the draining from fans,...
BA has been conservative in dosing as well, around 2-3ml...
For the last 10 days, I've been feeding some nutes along with the GLB; mainly an E.B. Stone product, organic based 3-3-2 liquid...
I'll be giving them the chop this weekend and will post stated before the phenos on these plants were just too far away from each other to really form an opinion at all. 1 Sour Stomper on GLB grew very tall and had to be bent hard, but also 1 3BOG just on MegaCrop almost got into the lights as well. 1 3BOG was very short ( 24" to 30 ") and very stacked on GLB while the others ( 1 more 3BOG and 2 SS ) were mid range ( around 36" to 40" ) and seem to be about normal stacking for my grows. Only had 1 3BOG show any problems and I attribute that more to being a sensitive plant than any thing else..... So in conclusion, my results are inconclusive. I have one more test run of autos to do and if I can keep that single Gorilla Bomb photo going through the first month of that I'll start some clones off her and have enough to probably run another test. And I'll be hooking up a separate res to feed those as the method of hand filling the trays was just a big variable introduced and too hard on the kness..
:smoking: Hi Tony, I hope the weekend was a blast!

Ooooh, funky doesn't cover it remotely- :rofl:... funky was when I first opened it, it's downright rancid! Powerful rotten egg + fecal stink dominates... I know it's not supposed to ever smell nice, but this is beyond the pale (in my experience), so I wanted to check with you and see if this could have gone truly sour and isn't functional anymore.
It was stored cool, unopened for a few weeks before use; since it's been room temp's or a bit cooler...

Yup, it's why I asked for the EMCK instead... Brix is exacerbating it for sure! :coffee::crisps:
I'm not sure I'm following the reaction path here mate, let me ask you a few things...
If the soil life is ramped up like that, and converting/cycling nutrients faster and thus more readily available, why then is there such a strong draw off the fan leaves for what mobile nutes they can release? I ask in a general sense, not just my specific case which I'm certain is partly due to the KIS soil getting tapped out... Shouldn't there be less demand to pull from the leaves if the soil is pushing out more nutrients than usual, even when plenty are in there? Or was I on the right track with the elevated co-linked demand as per the Mulder's Wheel I posted above?
More specifically, I'd like to figure out exactly what happened in my case, with what appears to be heavy N drain and defc., and/or SO4... Defc. symptoms are quite similar...
As I mentioned, earlier (pre-bloom) I was getting mild tip burn and curling when the dosage got too high, so it's clear this "burst-release" thing is, well, a thing! View attachment 1486095

I have been dosing the Micro as well, actually on the heavy side of dosing, certainly not light... I know how subtle jam-ups happen with "hidden" micronute defc.'s , not showing outright defc. symptoms but suspect compromised metabolism in some part of the "machine"...
Brix has been going in at the same rate for all, in fact less than 2ml, knowing the effect is has on the draining from fans,...
BA has been conservative in dosing as well, around 2-3ml...
For the last 10 days, I've been feeding some nutes along with the GLB; mainly an E.B. Stone product, organic based 3-3-2 liquid...

yeah maybe something happened in transport on that EMC Kelp if it’s that tough of a smell. If any others that have the kelp version are having that problem please DM me.

Regarding the deficiencies biology is amino acid/protein/nitrogen based the more biology the larger the draw. What I find in straight organic soil only points is there seems to me more deficiencies in general. Nothing against build a soil or any other product that may promote water only doesn’t really exist with my nutrients. And that the top dressings need to be added at larger doses or earlier than expected because is the amount of time it takes for some of those nutrients that are put into the pot are properly mineralized.

Nutrients still have to be mineralized to be uptaken and is not immediate. As J mentioned in a post a while back when we did testing on straight coco with just our nutrients the Nitrogen load was 47% higher in flower than veg. A portion of that is the nutrient load that is carved out just for biology.

enhancd mc kelp is a
Rather neeer product but Just based off of What I am Seeing with the Enhance MC Kelp because it does not have the Fulvic Acid, some of the nutrients may not be as available as fast but I can’t say that for a fact as it’s not in all cases.

I do see that growers that are use to certain amounts of top dressing amounts doesn’t work with my sugar as the micrbes are at higher levels but not all nutrients that are in microbes are actually available that is a inefficiency and a loss in the process as the micorbes eat nitrogen as well as a food source. That nitrogen is lost, in addition microbes eat sulfur as a food source as well so if you are seeing those two deficiencies it would make sense as those would be lost.

we use nitrogen in the field as a food source snd not saying you would want to but when I used to give out the concentrated micronutrient which is 20 Times stronger we tested 1 mL every 10 Days. The pot would dry up immediately and take up so much water it was just ok strong that was specific to the microbes eating the sulfur in the micro. That is why we really don’t want growers using the micro more that every or her day or ever 5 days as your watering will change and it just gets growers on wonky watering. No one wants to have to figure out watering weekly based when you apply a nutrient.

just started typing so hopefully that made sense have a meeting to go to.
I’ll be contacting each grower at some point in next few weeks and asking for individual results and what variations. So we can show what variations had issues or were inconclusive. Nothing is ever 100% especially with variations in a small sample but overall very positive results so I appreciate the testing.
:smoking: Hi Tony, I hope the weekend was a blast!

Ooooh, funky doesn't cover it remotely- :rofl:... funky was when I first opened it, it's downright rancid! Powerful rotten egg + fecal stink dominates... I know it's not supposed to ever smell nice, but this is beyond the pale (in my experience), so I wanted to check with you and see if this could have gone truly sour and isn't functional anymore.
It was stored cool, unopened for a few weeks before use; since it's been room temp's or a bit cooler...

Yup, it's why I asked for the EMCK instead... Brix is exacerbating it for sure! :coffee::crisps:
I'm not sure I'm following the reaction path here mate, let me ask you a few things...
If the soil life is ramped up like that, and converting/cycling nutrients faster and thus more readily available, why then is there such a strong draw off the fan leaves for what mobile nutes they can release? I ask in a general sense, not just my specific case which I'm certain is partly due to the KIS soil getting tapped out... Shouldn't there be less demand to pull from the leaves if the soil is pushing out more nutrients than usual, even when plenty are in there? Or was I on the right track with the elevated co-linked demand as per the Mulder's Wheel I posted above?
More specifically, I'd like to figure out exactly what happened in my case, with what appears to be heavy N drain and defc., and/or SO4... Defc. symptoms are quite similar...
As I mentioned, earlier (pre-bloom) I was getting mild tip burn and curling when the dosage got too high, so it's clear this "burst-release" thing is, well, a thing! View attachment 1486095

I have been dosing the Micro as well, actually on the heavy side of dosing, certainly not light... I know how subtle jam-ups happen with "hidden" micronute defc.'s , not showing outright defc. symptoms but suspect compromised metabolism in some part of the "machine"...
Brix has been going in at the same rate for all, in fact less than 2ml, knowing the effect is has on the draining from fans,...
BA has been conservative in dosing as well, around 2-3ml...
For the last 10 days, I've been feeding some nutes along with the GLB; mainly an E.B. Stone product, organic based 3-3-2 liquid...
On my test girl, I thought I went light on the dosages, and probably did, but I think it showed that my media mix is slightly off somewhere. I have a couple girls that have shown similar problem, but to a far less degree. After this grow, all my media is getting laid out on a tarp, mixed together, sample sent off and then amended based on the results.

It will have to be at a later grow, but I'd like to try and figure out how to consistently use these powereful liquid nutes in an EarthBox grow. I keep nutes out of the rez, so those roots mainly take up water. With my KNF style nutes being liquid, I make a slurry of compost and FFJ and/or Blue Gold Flower and apply on top of the initial compost mound.......I only use the KNF in flower in EBs. Last year on the Asian Haze, I added this slurry every week, based on the fine root intrusion into the compost mound. With the 'two root system' going, the girl can get the nutes she needs at that time from the mound without being forced to uptake them by the VPD. Running with this basic premise, I dose for a gallon of water, but just use enough water to get the slurry to the consistency I want. With the indoor girls being MUCH smaller than the Haze, I haven't had the root intrusion into the mound at the same rate, so I've had to adjust my application. After the initial dose of the slurry, I apply the FFJ and/or Blue Gold Flower, at the same concentration as mixing the slurry, within 12hrs of seeing the rez go dry, in effort to keep nutes out o the rez. With the current girls, that's every four days.
Yeah, I know that's pretty damn inexact and subjective to reading the plant and roots, but it seems to be working. So far, since I've been running EBs in the fashion, they have had that natural end of life fade, without that 'forced fade look'.......if you get my jest.

I'd like to know if GreenLifeBiotics has any growers using their product in EarthBoxes and how they use it.

I think these nutes could enhance the already stellar results ya get from EarthBoxes.
I know if I do this on my next EB grow, I'll have to be more exact on my applications and document it fully. I think it could be interesting if I could use at least some of these nutes in an Earthbox grow.

edit..........I forgot to show the bud that's just now showing that natural fade.
Last edited:
On my test girl, I thought I went light on the dosages, and probably did, but I think it showed that my media mix is slightly off somewhere. I have a couple girls that have shown similar problem, but to a far less degree. After this grow, all my media is getting laid out on a tarp, mixed together, sample sent off and then amended based on the results.

It will have to be at a later grow, but I'd like to try and figure out how to consistently use these powereful liquid nutes in an EarthBox grow. I keep nutes out of the rez, so those roots mainly take up water. With my KNF style nutes being liquid, I make a slurry of compost and FFJ and/or Blue Gold Flower and apply on top of the initial compost mound.......I only use the KNF in flower in EBs. Last year on the Asian Haze, I added this slurry every week, based on the fine root intrusion into the compost mound. With the 'two root system' going, the girl can get the nutes she needs at that time from the mound without being forced to uptake them by the VPD. Running with this basic premise, I dose for a gallon of water, but just use enough water to get the slurry to the consistency I want. With the indoor girls being MUCH smaller than the Haze, I haven't had the root intrusion into the mound at the same rate, so I've had to adjust my application. After the initial dose of the slurry, I apply the FFJ and/or Blue Gold Flower, at the same concentration as mixing the slurry, within 12hrs of seeing the rez go dry, in effort to keep nutes out o the rez. With the current girls, that's every four days.
Yeah, I know that's pretty damn inexact and subjective to reading the plant and roots, but it seems to be working. So far, since I've been running EBs in the fashion, they have had that natural end of life fade, without that 'forced fade look'.......if you get my jest.

I'd like to know if GreenLifeBiotics has any growers using their product in EarthBoxes and how they use it.

I think these nutes could enhance the already stellar results ya get from EarthBoxes.
I know if I do this on my next EB grow, I'll have to be more exact on my applications and document it fully. I think it could be interesting if I could use at least some of these nutes in an Earthbox grow.

edit..........I forgot to show the bud that's just now showing that natural fade.
View attachment 1486217View attachment 1486218

So I would treat earth boxes as we would outdoors in many cases. I only have one and I’ll have to ask him but he runs it similar to outdoors which is more of a smaller amendment and weekly feed just because of time constraints but I would say in true soil the biology stays longer we don’t need as much but when using the Enhance Mc original it’s about the Fulvic acid and kelp and the kelp version is more for the kelp.
The more I think about it it probably would be better to use the regular enhance Mc and use as a pre plant to inoculate the soil, then only use at very small doses like 0.1-0.15 mL per gallon when you want to get more out of the pot so that might be a weekly type scenario or less but at the end move it up to 0.25-0,5 mL if trying to get as much as possible out of the pot it’s up to you. The microbes have a number of functions so it’s good to have it in and in true soil they will not all die off so it’s good to reintroduce but the benefit of the dosing is as much the kelp and Fulvic acid so if not needing those or want to use more sparingly it would make sense.

the Micro DS is always good but less is needed at the beginning and many times more is needed near the end as mentioned before every other day would be 0.2 ml but if you soil is out of micronutrients you could go up to 0.5-0.75 but be careful with that.

at the end of the day as long as the biology is in the pot it will use the available micronutrients from the micro Ds to make sure we raise the quality in conjunction with theBrix57. We have slowed down the initial roll out of the 100% organic version of the Brix57 looks dark like molasses and it is used at higher dosages but we are seeing some interesting results. The obstacle is it’s so unprocessed but very reactive that if the bottles get over about 70 degrees it gets pressurized but we don’t want to change it but that should be coming out soon as well. We just don’t want to ship in the summer but we have seen some very high Brix readings off of it as it can be layered and not as potent on the plant but same percentages of carbohydrates.
Update- Day 70
Weekly update for the testers and the control plants. This line of amendments ROCK! I have never seen something that so obviously enhances the growth of a plant like this. As you can see from pic 1 the size difference. Only difference with feed is GLB! All plants are fed 3.5 gpg MC. I am on to week 4 flower amendments and upped it from starter dose to upper limit dose of 1 ml roots and 2 ml LOM. Every other day feed as that’s what they are asking for. Was slower in the beginning due to SIP naturally uptaking less until mid veg.

that’s all for now!
Seed Stockers, Rucu Cucu - Day 84
M3 super soil
Chop day for this girl. Scissor hash was super terpy (skunky and sweet). Dense buds all the way through.

(1 X 5 days) - 2 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Brix @3ml, Accel @6ml)



Image_2022-07-16 17_08_21_676.png

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Old Sage Seeds, Acid Patch Kids - Day 74
M3 super soil
She now has the tent all to herself. Opened the middle up a little more now that there is breathing room. Yellowing of the fan leaves is continuing so I didn't add any Enhance or Micro this feed but added some Fish. Hopefully she responds well.

(1 X 3-4 days) - 2 gal @ pH to 6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Brix@ 2ml and Accel@ 2ml, Fish @2ml)
