soils are a dubious dice-roll, trust me! A few get OK bags (local sourcing I suspect), but many don't and get shitty, off pH, poorly cooked shwag! I have tested that soil many times, badly acidic often as not, and the quality in general is crap... They were once good, but not any more,... they are cheap, and that's about it! My local horticultural supply store stopped carrying it because of this and bug problems, forget the sales loss, the hassles were no longer worth it...
Roots Organic original is a decent alternative, heard the Dr Earth is OK too (can't confirm that though)... I use Sanctuary Soils Empire Builder or Victory blend, but that's pretty much CA only I think?
OF is hot, too much for some cultivar seedlings, OK with others,... A lot of variability with this sensitivity in auto's these days! The EWC is OK up to a point (more is not better, affects other important characteristics of the soil); alfalfa meal is N heavy, and many spike it too hot...
In any case, this is not the fault or issue with the genetics, aside from the usual variable tolerances for soil richness in auto, photo's too BTW....