New Grower Grams per day

Anybody remember prohibition. Some of you younger ones will have to Google that one . In my opinion that's where this is all going eventually and just like then sooner or later people will be allowed to grow their own and it will be as common as the guy that makes his own beer or wine . The Great Pupa has spoken .:dance2: I just hope it happens in my time
I hope your wisdom becomes real Great Pupa! I can just imagine a future where marlboro-man intervenes at some point and make my assumptions around that fearful possibility. However great enlightening ideas floating around this thread led me to rethink about it. May be it wont be that bad at all.
I have to say that I think we are approaching a critical juncture in how the whole world looks at cannabis. My fear is that like the late 1920s early 1930s that the powerful groups like Mellon and Dupont and men Henry Anslinger and his political aspirations back then will have their modern counterparts in pharma and whatever politicians political motivations will wreak havoc on the scene with regards to who can grow what and where and on and on. The taxes are a goldmine so there's that to consider. Look at Canada, only the large groups can grow it for medical patients; I wouldn't want to see that.
In other words we need to be vigilant and let our political local, state, and federal how you feel about this.

OK soapbox mode off! Thanks for listening!!