In a commercial grow, speed and quantity rule, they are not out for top quality. And most commercial growers in the legal states are using grrenhouse for a more controled environment. Autos will come into play when you can show them a better total harvest by having more crops. if you can grow 2, 60 day crops that exceed the harvest weight of a 110-120 day photo period, then it will happen
Totally correct, Pops....
I would also add that there are gains to be made in how many plants a particular space can hold
in the auto vs. photo for commercial growing discussion.
As a lot of autos have a more compact nature, I think it's safe to be said that autos can utilize
space more efficiently and can therefore be grown in larger numbers in addition to faster....
So the equation becomes one of speed and of grams/ efficiency.
Soon, though, at least as I watch the landscape unfold in Colorado, competition will generate
a renewed concern with quality...It tracks the same arch as micro and craft brew, really. First
comes the novelty phase where a lack of informed expectations tends to level the playing field,
then comes price wars, then comes a more informed set of expectations, then the need to level
prices points out generates a shift of focus onto quality, then reviews and bad rep (or good rep)
begins to kick off the "quality" wars and people start to lean towards being able to price at a
"connoisseur" level. Right can buy a 12 pack of Coors or a 4-pack of craft brew for
roughly the same price (if not more for the 4-pack) and both offerings perform well.