Got some more problems going on...

:jointman:... 79 is A-OK Spiffy, no worries there,... procedurally you did nothing wrong! That coco might be the culprit,.. my understanding is, the final prep' by the makers can be a Ca + Mg (?) buffering rinse to try and load up the coco ahead of time, so it releases readily instead of hogging it, and drive out the last of the Na and extra K,.. When you can, look up cation exchange capacity, CEC, and see what the deal is with that, and why coco is unusual,... if ever you need to flush, you must do it differently from true soil,... use RO/Di water, with 150ppm of Ca-Mg, plus 150ppm of appropriate nutes, pH to 6.0,.....
:wiz: yup , hard knocks learns ya quick, but better still to avoid, especially with seed prices as they are! :rofl:.... and good investments, to that effect: a TDS or EC meter, and pH meter (you have already, yes?), and an Accurate 8 soil pH probe, for direct in-pot measurements! .. basic TDS is cheap, under $20, and the A8 can be had (amazon) for about $55,... the TDS/EC will show you exactly how strong the feed solution is, you can't just go by fractional dilution and be accurate, since each nute has different NPK numbers, plus all the other things that go in (ca-Mg, Si-- very recommended!.... humic-fulvics, etc.,...)... in this way with coco, you have to think hydro in your head, more than soil,... the probe will allow you to closely monitor the coco as grow progresses and changes,... the TDS can test the run-off for nute load, helping you avoid big, damaging, pH f'ing build-ups,...:nono: ... point is-- prevention,...adjusting your inputs before hand goe a million miles toward preventing TARFU situations, and the beating that fixing is! :biggrin:
Ye, that's why I'm not doing coco again after this x,D so far so good


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Can't get a break.. X,D accidentally ripped a leaf a few days ago..
But what's with the white veins? Going to start adding some nutes today at 1/4th.
Can't get a break.. X,D accidentally ripped a leaf a few days ago..
But what's with the white veins? Going to start adding some nutes today at 1/4th. View attachment 796871
The white veins are normal on newer leaves,so nothing to worry about.
Coco is most certainly not the easiest way to grow, its high performance hydroponics. If your looking for the easiest way to get good results and a super tasty finished product organic soil is the way to go. Check out the Mephisto Grow Guide v1.0 for an almost foolproof method involving top notch organic potting soil. It calls for Roots Organic and a different one, both of which are readily available online. Get a good soil grow or two under your belt and then try Coco again, and get REALLY GOOD COCO!! I just scored 80L of Canna Bricks locally for $30. Check their website to learn about why quality coco matters. Anyway, with the organic soil, you use one of those biotab things and only water with RO, or use the Mephisto saché packet and give that a go. It should work pretty well for any auto. Chin up and keep plugging away, it will work...Your little seedling is looking adorable!!

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