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Effects on Plant's Physiology and Morphology due to

the differential sensitivity of Photo Receptors

Light Quality Effects on Plant's Physiology and Morphology

UV-B 280-300/315/320 mn (putuative UV-B photoreceptor)

The effects can be separated by UV-B dosage. Low doses induce UV-B specic photomorphogenetic and developmental responses. High doses in more general stress signal transduction.

UV-A 320 – 390 nm (cryptochromes, phototropins)

Phototropism, light-induced opening of stomata, chloroplast migration in response to
changes in light intensity and solar tracking by leaves of certain plant species.
Contributes to maximising photosynthetic potential in weak light and preventing
damage to the photosynthetic apparatus in excess light.

Blue (B) 390–500 nm (cryptochromes, phototropins)

Phototropism, chloroplast relocation, stem elongation (de-etiolation),
photoperiod-dependent flowering induction, resetting the circadian oscillator.d
Maximises photosynthetic potential in weak light and prevents damage to the
photosynthetic apparatus in excess light. Controls stomatal opening at low light levels
(<15 μmol m−2 s−1 ). Upregulates genes that encode key enzymes in the Calvin cycle.
Act as a catalytic wavelength for obtaining high quantum yields of photosynthesis and
activates respiration. Strong blue light activates the incorporation of carbon in amino
acids, that is it inhibits starch formation in leaf chloroplasts and increases the
biosynthesis of proteins.

Yellow 580 – 600 nm (cryptochromes, phytochromes)

Downregulates genes coding for key enzymes in the Calvin cycle.e Suppresses growth of
some greenhouse plants.

Red (R) 600 – 700 nm (R-absorbing phytochrome form Pr)

Stem elongation (de-etiolation). Entrainment of the circadian clock. Downregulation of
genes encoding for key enzymes in the Calvin cycle. Activates the photosynthetic
reaction centres PSI and PSII.l In many species, low-fluence red light induces seed
germination. Prolonged exposure to red light eliminates the possibility of the
enhancement of protein biosynthesis by blue light.

Far-red (FR) 700 – 800 nm (FR-absorbing phytochrome
form Pfr)

Often cancels the effects of preceding red light. In many species, inhibits seed
germination. Stem elongation (de-etiolation).

B : R

Crucial for photosynthetic activity.

B : FR

Seed germination, seedling establishment, shade-avoidance response, floral induction.


Many light responses are mediated by the coordinated action of more than one photoreceptor.
My biggest yield yet came from using 600w eye hortilux in a 2X4 using a digital ballast slowly working my way towards full power. I've yet to match the growth of that grow, the yield or even the sheer size of each bud. After one grow using hps start to finish I switched to led and got my first amazing quality grow and never looked back....wonder if starting under the hps and maybe finishing under LED like @Ronin would give me monsters Again....nodes stacked crazy my first grow
My biggest yield yet came from using 600w eye hortilux in a 2X4 using a digital ballast slowly working my way towards full power. I've yet to match the growth of that grow, the yield or even the sheer size of each bud. After one grow using hps start to finish I switched to led and got my first amazing quality grow and never looked back....wonder if starting under the hps and maybe finishing under LED like @Ronin would give me monsters Again....nodes stacked crazy my first grow
Same as me. Grew with 600w hps and had immense buds huge yield, also big problems with the heat..
Time for a led upgrade for me. My space is only 2 x 3 so getting ready to order the SolarPro300. Looking forward to seeing your results!
Not all LEDs are created equal. Not just design or color difference. The efficiency difference ranges from 20% to 65% I think that's where these lights nailed it. The center cobs are proven to be sufficient for all stages of growth and the surrounding LEDs fill in the gaps while in the 50+% range.
I'm taking a step backwards from Amare... I must run hps and invest in an in-line Carbon Filter.. had half of money now I have less, way less. Ohh
What about a cmh till you get the funds? 132 par watts is plenty for 4 average sized autos. Cheapest way to get a crop going and make some money to get the right light. I ran a few plants under 2 of them last run. The difference was definitely noticeable compared to the Amare but I think it's much better than hps.
What about a cmh till you get the funds? 132 par watts is plenty for 4 average sized autos. Cheapest way to get a crop going and make some money to get the right light. I ran a few plants under 2 of them last run. The difference was definitely noticeable compared to the Amare but I think it's much better than hps.
I have a system already. Just needed a bulb. And I have a very low budget cooled hood. I do not wanna invest in other things, I want that damn Pro9.