Year of the Dragons
Take a length of toilet tissue of nice quality -6 sheets together is enough, - Take a spray bottle and mist your tissue. - Add seeds, Fold over, and mist your tissue package of seeds until it is soaked through. - Place in a plastic bag .- Place this somewhere warm with stable temperatures Eg top of a warm router or lap top transformer .i cover with a paper back book- After 24-36 hours you can unwrap to check on the progress, re-wet the tissue if necessary, . got a tail - Ready to plant!
other methods work
,,best way to do this .is keep it simple ,,read the threads ,,,,,and ,no real problems you will only be a week behind ,,,
And just coz they don't recommend this method ,,,,,ille post it anyway :smoking: and remember you can also just put them straight in the ground , water them and even that works
i have tried this method below and it works well ,,but why more stuff when you can use bog roll
other methods work

And just coz they don't recommend this method ,,,,,ille post it anyway :smoking: and remember you can also just put them straight in the ground , water them and even that works

i have tried this method below and it works well ,,but why more stuff when you can use bog roll