Live Stoner Chat Good plan?

If i was buying a house i would buy land away from the city..i would rather have land then a house just in cas any crap goes down..I would just put up a double wide on my pond and call it a day keep it cheep and simple.Then get me a few cows and goats and collect food seeds thats the real GOLD..seeds that aren't mansanto .

I'm sooooo with it! Except I want a big fancy compound that's self sustaining and highly defendable... What can I say I'm a dreamer n I'm American better get to making money!
Maybe but in this day and age having a steady income for 15 years is laughable..One lost job and poof 10 years of payment down the drain.I just think its tooo long of an investment for someone just starting out.I dont know what skills you have or level of education but willingness to and being a hard worker doesnt seem to matter these days .Just sayin:point:
Lol I too would love a massive house in the middle of no where and farm animals to live of. This property idea of mine is simply me wanting to earn more money rather than leaving it sit in the bank. I don't think it'll make me a millionaire but if I can bring in some money on top of my wages and at the end of it I got something to leave my kids when I have some lol then I'm happy with that.
Here you don't need to have worked 15 years I think it's 2 years the bank would like you to have worked. I'm in the death industry so I should always have work unless people become immortal lol. I also got 1 or 2 other ideas to boast my income legally and confident with as I know others who do it. I don't think I got the brains to be the big time business man but if I can have a few ideas all bringing in cash well it all adds up.
I'm sooooo with it! Except I want a big fancy compound that's self sustaining and highly defendable... What can I say I'm a dreamer n I'm American better get to making money!
LOL Give me a doubble wide and a few tree stands and ill show u defenses lol SNIPER RIFLE SET! and ill John Rambo their asses lol Really I want mine in the middle of the pond with a draw bridge then zombies cant get me LOL..Hmmm a boat house on a lake would be cool or river then you could rent it out for parties and live in it lol Hotel on the weekend . I think i like that one lol
When looking online at properties it's crazy to search for highest first. See 5million pound houses in my area and just can't imagine what their life must be like. Sure they still have problems and stuff like the rest of us but could you imagine bringing back a date to a 5million pound mansion or the house parties you could have lol.