Live Stoner Chat Good plan?

Jul 23, 2012
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Feeling abit long sighted about my plan so wondering everyone's thoughts.

Currently speaking I give myself no life lol literally. Way I see it is we gotta live a little how we don't want to get the life we do want? I'd need 20k for a house deposit. I know it's just bricks and water but when you've grown up sharing a room with family members waiting to rehoused buying your own has alot more to it. It's not just the sharing a room but what came with it like not being able to bring friends to mine and sorta feeling embarrassed. I'm working at the moment and trying to save although it feels like its taking forever and I should have alot more but I've gone on for so long that I can't give up.

My plan is to save 10k bank it and forget about it. And then 5k on a car. I know 10k isn't the 20 I'd need to put on a deposit for a place but I'd also have to work full time for 2 years. I'm currently part time. That's only put away 5k a year when full time...I could do that with ease. Also my best mates similar minded and saving 10k and hoping to go into property development with him. By the time we can get a mortgage we'd easily have 25k each so 50k and we aren't afraid to take risks nor watched tv and expecting property to make us millionaires simply a bonus income aswell as our jobs more than anything.

Just wondering if you guys would do the same in my situation or should I give in and just spend money every weekend? Thing is none my mates know what they want from life and one thing I know is I want more. Money doesn't buy happiness I've learnt that being boring and saving but I wanna give more to people I care about and not have stress and worries.
Sounds like a tight plan, just know its hard to mix money and friends. But it can work. And money does buy happiness. Sorry extreme realist here. Without money you can't wear cloths or even eat and I don't know anyone who is starving that is even a little happy. You don't need tons of money or even a lot to be happy, just enough for basic needs. Sorry thought train derailed for a moment. Do either of you have any kind of experience in construction? If I was single and my homie was like minded and I KNEW I could trust him with my life, I would do it! :2cents:
Yeah I know what your saying. I just don't feel as happy as I should or as people expect right now but maybe that's down to my greed. This guy is single and thinks exactly like me. It's only me and him who grow and know each other is. His fully trusted and we aren't dreamers and expecting to become millionaires like most who think oh ill just get into property. We're just young and thinking about more than the weekend. Whatever profit is made will jus go on top of our orginal deposit and were still both happy to be living at home. Both have experience with a trade yes and family are qualified and run their own business in different trades. We're still willing to go to work just seeing this as a bonus on top of the wages.

It just feels long when haven't gone out in a long time even though i know I'd go out and think dam I don't miss that. I just gotta idea of what I want for my life and I'm a determined mofo who's gonna get it lol just feels hard sometimes and think should i give in and jus spend money as I'm getting it. I got 6k saved before Xmas comes I'd have 12 if goes to plan then in cold weather I stay in after work easily and can probably save till I reach 21k but I'm gonna treat myself to a car then. The rest ill bank and forget then I plan to save but not as hard...just spend half my wages n save half.
Sending some happy Leaving a karma clouyour way brother.... and like my dad use to say , don't take life to serious you're never get out of it alive, well he would have said that if he was around
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I just like the idea of having different ways of income. Sort of like the idea of living for free of the land but been brainwashed by the media I guess into caring to much about how I look lol. Feels like we're just ants...born and encouraged to get an education so we can hopefully get a better paying job were rewarded by material goods to help us think we're better or doing better than those with less...mean while the more your job pays the more taxes you pay for the king ants who don't even do any work in terms of hard graft and live a better life than us by far lol...I'm crazy right? Just I know we gotta work or pay taxes shall that say but got to be more to life than that. Ill play ball and work but I got to much of a brain and heart to just put my head down and plod along with life as a worker.

I just find it hard at the moment saving as none of my mates are so I get tempted into going out n stuff. Hoping winter is here soon and it should get much easier to stay indoors lol. I will 100% get my 10k away before Xmas. Know it's not alot but its a start for me and I've never been so determined nor seen that sort of money in my account before lol.
Yea plans are great just take small steps..also i dont know where you live but i see houses for 3000 down and rent to own so you could speed up your house plan.When buying a car..if you want a good one..stay away from used sports or tuner cars or any car a young person drove ..Trust me it will save you in the end.Investing in GOLD is a better plan to make money these days then renting out houses or flipping them the cost has gone up and the market is still slow plus repairs yearly taxes and insurance LOL .Me I like to travel so i dont want any BILLS to tie me down.Something to think about.I lived in a house with lots of peeps and could only escape through my headphones so i know how it is and its not bad situation because it has motivated your mind to want more and do better:peace:
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yeah i know a few people who are dealers who have brought gold and burried it lol...wonder how much itll go up by over a couple of years hmmm...
be wary of gold as an investment the price went up for 4 years as the global financial crisis hit but in the last year the price has been falling. the reason for this is people saw it as a good way to hold the value of their money when currencies were crashing, but now things are starting to stabilise around the world in the leading currencies its valued less. the price of gold has been falling since sept last year when it was at $1800 per ounce to $1200 per ounce now

If you are in the uk ninja I would look into getting a house that has been uninhabited for 2 years or more. the reason for this is that if you but one of these and plan to bring it to a liveable condition then the government will give you a 20k grant on the condition that you let council tenants live there for a minimum of 5 years. In this time they will guarantee you rent even if they leave it empty.

So if you do this you can let it to the council and have them pay the mortgage with a minimal profit, but with the 20k grant and if you re-mortgage for the increased vale of the house and unlock extra money then you should have about 30k to go and do it all again and build a portfolio of houses that will have you living nicely in about 15 years when the mortgage payments are much lower.
fast forward another 15 years and you have a load of houses you own outright and 10 months of the year all the rent is profit(2 months rent saved for maintenance), and you have the ability to sell one at any time if you see a Ferrari you like!

There is a reason we say safe as houses!! so save my friend and play the long game because its not just you that wins but your children that will win too.
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If i was buying a house i would buy land away from the city..i would rather have land then a house just in cas any crap goes down..I would just put up a double wide on my pond and call it a day keep it cheep and simple.Then get me a few cows and goats and collect food seeds thats the real GOLD..seeds that aren't mansanto .
Seraphim I never knew that that honestly sounds blood good. I don't need to make money from the house ASAP I haven't got a problem with it being rented for give years honestly I'd be saving and trying to get a second place durring that time lol.