Ripped welcome .yes she is still fuzzing away mate and stiffening up;) so big buds to come.and correct some of dutch passion seeds do need last run i let automazar go over 100 days.she was a beauty.dutch passion genetics are solid really great to grow.happy growing;)
World great to see u over here.hope u having a good day and all ready for xmas.i should be smoking some nice think big buds to keep me merry over the festive period,high times to come.thanks and happy growing;)
So 3 days later the plants are loving is mephisto genetics polar light auto
and here is sweetseeds killer kush auto
and here is kannabia seeds mikromachine auto.she is as tall and wide as think big;)
and here is think big she is busy sucking the life from her leafs ,is noticable on a few fans but mainly visible on the leafs around the buds.will feed her up for 1 more week then begin flush;)
and group shots;)
thats all for now.happy growing every1 and merry christmas;)
Burr thanks alot mate goliath is proving great so far plant really enjoying it good times.merry christmas to u mate and happy growing;)
Yeaster the plant on the front right is mephisto genetics polar light auto, same as what ur growing bro;) happy growing;)