Going photo to auto for first time.

Still waiting on seeds :) had to scratch some bone meal in the soil today as the plant is running out of cal, N and P


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    My seed.jpg
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Well I harvested the plant. I am going to demonstrate how to re veg the plant with the plant now. My left hand is in a cast from a surgery so I had to do this in a less then favorable way. Normally I would cut top 3/4 of plant leaving the bottom 1/4 or so of plant buds and all. You have to leave the popcorns and leafs on the lower parts so there is vegetation to start new growth from. Pull off the damaged leafs that are dead or dying from your flush but leave good tissue. You don't want to do a normal flush if your re vegging as this can leave the plant too damaged some times to recover. My plants are too yellow on the bottom 1/4 when I flush. Water with a light mix of veg, bloom and cal/mag tell run off, (I only had 1/2 gallon of water and used 1/4 each of teaspoon of veg, bloom, cal/mag and silica) or top dress after re potting. Take plant out of pot, cut off 1/2 of root ball or bottom half of soil, fill 1/2 pot with fresh base soil mixture, put plant back in and switch lights back to veg but... With my hand in its cast I had to leave plant in its pot, cut top 3/4 of plant, feed above mixture and turn light to 24 hours. Will post picks later.
I plan on re vegging and pulling clones to keep strain alive long enough to get my seeds to F4 so I can re cross once more and do the whole process again. I am not re vegging to re flower other wise it would be very important to re pot. I only need this plant alive for another 3 or 4 weeks.
A harvested top.


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    harvest me.jpg
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OMG I just counted out 904 seeds. So I will now say pollinating later in flower produces more seeds. I also have noticed my seeds are a lot smaller than I usually get. So my conclusion is, later pollination makes more seeds and smaller seeds.
Holy shit man, 904 seeds.... Thats awesome. That harvest pic is beautiful also bud. My last pollination was also later in flower, and also produced a bit smaller seed than their parents. I thought it was just chance, but you may be right about it being from a later pollination. Thanks for the observations man. Till later, take care.:smoking:
Ya there were a lot more but as you can see I left a lot of buds on the plant so I could re veg it. You can see spots on the leafs from me spraying the plant with water. I had pollen every were on the plant and had to put it in with my other plants that were mid flower. I sprayed the whole plant with water, let it set for a bout an hour if I remember and sprayed it down again, shook it off, let it dry and put it in my flower room. Not one seed in my other plants :biggrin: so my other finding was water neutralizes pollen. I think I seed it on a U-tube video but now have verified that works too. Will have to pollinate an auto I'm familiar with to be 100% on the late pollination = more seeds thing as this is the first time I have seeded this strain. Personally I would rather have a few large seeds than hundreds of small seeds. I just like big seeds. I never grow them all out. I usually grow about 10 seeds and give the rest away.
OMG I just counted out 904 seeds. So I will now say pollinating later in flower produces more seeds. I also have noticed my seeds are a lot smaller than I usually get. So my conclusion is, later pollination makes more seeds and smaller seeds.

Not to come off as rude or anything, but its seems like common sense that pollenating late in flowering will produce more seeds. Explanation: early flowering = less buds, less calyxes = less seeds. Late flowering = more buds, more calyxes = more seeds.

Btw did it ever herm on you after re vegging?
Ya I see your point but your plant keeps on making flowers even after it is pollinated. I have had plants that were about the same size as this one and look like there was about the same amount of bud on the plant and only produce 250 seeds. The plants don't stop producing bud after getting pollinated. I guess they just produce less. Don't worry about coming off as rude. I guarantee I come off as rude to others quiet a bit hahaha. A hundred people can tell me something but it is still U-Tube and internet B.S. tell I have done it and can verify it for my self. I believe it a little more if I read it from a book. A good example of this is the hot rod motor I just built. Had both Jegs, Summit racing tech, Comp cams, Friends and seen a few people on U-tube run LS6 valve springs in there vortec Chevy heads and also run the comp cams 26981 valve springs with out machine work. I have both springs and Mine did not fit, $560 later... I still have people telling me they fit and I must have tried to install them wrong lol. Some times what seams like common sense is wrong. If I have not done it I am not 100% sure. I assumed a late pollination would produce more and now I believe it dose.

The plant is still in the middle of switching. No sign of veg as of yet. Takes some time. I have done this a few times though and have not seed any signs of herm from doing it. All the stress is in the veg cycle so I don't think it is any more stressful than cloning as far as causing a plant to herm. I usually see the leafs do funny things when they first start to veg again though. I have had leafs twist, only have 3 fingers and have smooth edges so they did not resemble a marijuana leaf at all. Usually its only the first couple sets at most that will do this. I will let the plant veg for a little while to get a good amount of new growth, probably tell it is double in size, strip all old growth off as well as any deformed growth and then clone the plant. After cloning I will kill it and keep it alive through cloning. I have a friend who is way better at cloning than I am so a friend will do the first cloning for me. This plant is pretty important to me so I don't want to risk messing this up.