GMan does Cream of the Crop Seeds Narcotherapy Auto

lol, thats true man. Oh ok you already got an SSD. Nice man. Can I have your rig please and thank you kindly haha. j/k

Hope your having a good thanksgiving if your American. If not I hope you are enjoying the holiday season.

How are you plants doing btw man?
Been busy with work. Will update soon. The narco is getting a bit out of control!
I'm in the UK, no holidays :( even working Christmas!
Man. Im sorry to hear about you working on christmas. Sucks that so many companies make people work on the holidays.
That sounds like like its getting to big on you. Hope not.

:karma Cloud: To you girl gone wild. and Happy Thusday lol. :Sharing One::smile::vibes:
Actually man, I don't mind. I get to spend it with people who don't have families to go home too. Will be having some time off in the New Year.
Oh nice man. Thats definitely awesome and rewarding. In that case. Sounds like you will have a good christmas man.
Here's a quick cab shot, as you can see the main cola has stretched almost into the light.
Full update later.


WOW! you sure were not kidding when you said they were getting out of control. HOLY MOLY you are going to have some mega buds on that bush when she blows up man.
Day 62

Pulled out my cab yet again. Raised the light a couple of inches & moved around my new carbon filter.

Bud sites are forming everywhere and I've tried to position them the best I can.

Been feeding a combination of teas and soup watering.

On the top most leaves I've started getting some discoloration any thoughts?


looking great man im jeleous im growing a narcotherapy as we speak as well and its no where near as big but also is only 29days old. you should check it out. its always fun to compare grows when its the same strain. dont have the link on hand but if you search narcotherapy its the one that says 400 W hps + 105 W cfl closet grow. it was my first time making a thread on here and I manged to post it like 4 times but one of them has a few responses and pictures and the others only have just my 1 post. keep it up though man seems like shes going to be more like a 90-100 day plant though what do you think? she seems like shes just starting to bud now which acually in my opinion isnt a bad thing the longer it "vegs" ( even though i know autos dont technically veg its what I call it before they bud) the higher your yield will be in the end. in dying to get my hands on flash seeds chaze super auto, or any super auto for that matter. 100-120 days for 250-400G/plant id be in heaven lol
Some early Autumning perhaps? Just my guess since its 62 days old. Im definitely not an expert though lol.

My initial noob reaction to that is, just give it some extra feed........but...I dont know if thats the solution.