Extraction Glycerine Tincture and Vape stuff.

The potato press is about 5" wide and really durable- even thick oils have passed through it, and it only cost me $16 at a wallyworld.

I bought one... lol.

I also had to get some screen too. I found some 150 micron silk mesh from a brand called chemistry hippie. They have them down to 25 microns. They are washable, 5x5 inch, and will do even better than my fine mesh tea diffuser. Cheaper than competitor brands like squish strong. They are advertised as oil extraction filters. They should fit right into that press.

I would say the more vegetative matter you can get out, the less likely you are to damage vape coils. I also question the use of alcohol at all to extract from cannabis if the purpose is to make vape liquids. It would certainly contribute to separation after sitting. The alcohol is a bitch to cook out, and I definitely do not want alcohol in my vape liquid.
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I bought one... lol. chemistry hippie.

Cool, I think you will find it faster and easier. From the name alone, Chemistry Hippie sounds like my kind of brand!

Let me clarify the alcohol

When I made e-liquids, I either extracted bud into glycerine, or started with BHO and dissolved it in to glycerine.

The reason I mention alcohol is that I mostly make and use Ethyl Tincture for medicine (or infused oil for ointment) but the squeezing process is the same.

My liquid was a little too thick to shake in the cart. I prefer vaping bud - I don't constantly hit on an ecig, so it had time to separate.

If you mix just enough Gly/PG for a couple of days, it should be OK.
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Peach CANNA Crumble


  • 6 ripe peaches
  • 3/4 Cup of all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 Cup of rolled oats
  • 1/2 Cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 Cup of melted CANNA butter
  • 2 tablespoon glycerine CANNA extract
  1. Peel off the skin of the peaches and slice them in 1/8 inch thick slices.
  2. Put them at the bottom of a 8inch square pan or at the bottom of 6 ramekins.
  3. For the crumble, mix together the flour, the rolled oats, the brown sugar, the glycerine CANNA extract, and the melted CANNA butter.
  4. Distribute the crumble evenly on top of the peaches.
  5. Bake in a 375F oven of 35 minutes.
  6. Serve with vanilla bean ice cream.