Outdoor GGG3

Take the top half of the plant when you have all milky & some amber... that should give him the mellow chill.

General rule of thumb... The more amber the more chill... till you hit couch lock at higher % amber.

Then take the bottom half when ripe.

Try to find full spectrum CBD... (cbd with all the terps and only minute amounts of thc)
It can and has worked wonders for many with PTSD

The crystals / isolates are generally not used for that... around here at least.

So more Stavia blend than indica?
I've got a few pheno plants going as well as autos

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So more Stavia blend than indica?
I've got a few pheno plants going as well as autos

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I would try a more indica dom myself...

High thc / satis might not be the best route for PTSD.

An indica with a nice terp profile would seem a more logical choice... and then you could also experiment with mixing in some of the cbd isolate with it, as was mentioned before.... but I would still check around for full spectrum.
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Is this normal?

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Is this normal?

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

That looks like the start of botrytis (bud rot) and is not good, if I’m right. I would cut off all the buds that are affected. Are you experiencing warm and humid conditions lately? Botrytis is a fungus that forms a mold on cannabis and the spores can infect the whole plant. Do not touch it and then touch other parts of the plant or other plants. Cut off the affected buds very carefully. It doesn’t look too bad yet. I would still smoke it but you need to wash the affected buds in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1cup peroxide in 5 gallons water) followed by a mixture of lemon juice, baking soda and water (2cups lemon juice, 2cups baking soda & 5 gallons of water) followed by 2 different rinses with clean water. Totally submerge the buds in the the first two mixtures and let it soak for a couple minutes. You’ll see a film appear on the surface of the water - that’s the botrytis! Then, thoroughly dunk them in clean water and I usually use a gentle spray from a nozzle or even a watering can for the final wash. This kills the fungus and removes the spores and makes it safe to smoke; although you wint win any awards for bag appeal! Lol! As soon as you’re done washing them, hang them in front of a gentle fan and get them dried out - the water from your washing, I mean. Usually takes a few hours and a couple rotations until I feel like they are safe to start drying and curing.

This is not MY method. I stole it from someone but it works well. I’ve had some issues with botrytis outside myself. It can spread very quickly. So, I’d start snipping pretty quick. Even if you harvest a bit early, based on others comments, it sounds like the buds may suit your husband pretty well. I’m not an expert but my research and understanding is that the further along your buds are, the stonier the effect becomes. This is an oversimplified description but there are lots of folks that prefer earlier harvesting while those looking for a heavy stone or couch lock wait until late in flower when there are lots of Amber trichomes. Seems like the general recommendation for PTSD (and your description of your husband’s preferences) would favor an earlier harvest, rather than a late one. You can dip/wash the whole plant or large branches at one time.

I feel for your husband. My father in law has suffered from PTSD for 45 years from 3 tours in Vietnam. He won’t go the cannabis route even though he NEEDS it! Tell your husband I said, “Thank you” for his service!

Hope this helps in sone way and Merry Christmas!!
I would also spray the effected area on the live plant after cutting the buds off with Straight 3% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) spray directly on the area where you cut out the bud rot. Not sure if I would smoke it but you can dry it and see what you think... Also look really good at the plant first thing in the AM or just before dark to see if its being caused by small green or brown caterpillars munching around inside the buds.