Your PH is too low for soil, you want your water PH to be 6.4 to 6.8 for an organic soil mix, 5.8 is way too low.
Medium is 1/3 happy frog, 1/3 vermiculite/perlite,1/3 composte. 3 gal buckets with plenty of holes for drainage, water ph at 5.8 to 6.5 (seeds in ph 6.0 for 24 hrs then same on paper towels in baggies. Placed on top of lights constant 85). Temp swings under lights 73 to 84 (ac vented to light trap intake in Fla. so I know how to keep em cool). Humidity 40 to 55 % during veg. 35 to 45% now in flower. Lights are LED..neighbor gave me 3 random bag seeds she had laying lose in a drawer to test after the 4 photo no shows..all 3 sprouted so my methodology is working, just not for the batch I spent money on.