Indoor Germination!


Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Total noob here, w/the two brown thumbs.
Somehow i have achieved germination with seed 5, 6 & 7.
Originally planted two cropking ciritical purples, and one freebe seed labeled as RQS Diesel.
only one CP spouted, yet turn a not so lovely shade of brown during our 114* heat this past weekend. The cabinet got 98 on several occations, even w/all the ice I was putting in front of the fan for my redneck a/c.
since the two had not sprouted, dumped them on Saturday and added a red poison(sweet seeds) & N. Lite Blu Glu(SAG). I soaked the seed for 3hrs, then stuck them in the rapid rooter, and into the pot. I was going to do the tupperware/moden trick, but figured the garage was hot enough. My gamble paid off and they sprouted by Labor Day.
Unfortunately for the RP, my brown thumb came into play. The little peace of rapid rooter i used to cover the hole, was suck to the seed. When i tried to remove, well..... the whole tap root came out w/it. I tried to replant it, but come Tuesday, it didn't look so good. So I pulled it, along w/the now brown critical purple & replanted the rooters with another red poison & a dinafem white cheese. You probably cant see, but they've both started to pop their little heads up as of this afternoon.

So that leaves me with NLBG(soda bottle)that broke ground on labor day, and the R P(left one in back) & WC(upfront right side).

The WC is in FFOF w/perlite. i hope i didn't f up because i added a teaspoon of dry 6-10-6 to the bottom third, then added more soil and a teaspoon of mykos, b4 filling it the rest with the soil mixture.

The other two, are in a 50/50 mix of strawberryfields and FFOF. I probably F that up too, by adding a teaspoon of 13-7-7 to the bottom third, b4 filling w/soil & mykos. Got a feeling from what i've read, its going to be too hot. Too late to re-pot? Has the tap root cleared the bottom of the rapid rooter after two days? is my OCD over thinking again????

I plan to recharge w/more mykos, flower girl, and molasses at some point, if they make it that far. We have super hard water here, so i am going alternate between RO & hose water, ph'd to 6.2. Since the water is calcium rich, just the way my pool tiles like it :doh:, I am hoping not to have to use calmag. According to water district, it come out just under 300ppm.

Stealth cabinet by blubbermaid
terra bloom 4-inch inline & carbon filter
TS1000W Mars
humidifier & fan from bed/bath/body works. I plan on replacing the fan w/a clip on at some point to make more floor space.
Lined w/Mylar

I'll try to post pics weekly, if there is much going on.
Big thanks to everyone who's already helped this noob out in my other post.


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@Brownthumbs do not alternate your water sources blend them 50/50 This will give you 150 PPM water and your plants and nutrients can live with that. Most likely you will never need more calcium even in a coco grow. Yet, It is good to have some on the shelf.

When using starting cubes like Rapid Rooters be sure to plant the seed 1/2" deep. The struggle they go through to push up through that 1/2" makes the taproot grow deeper and scrapes off the seed shell. If you plant too shallow you will be less successful.

Only use molasses the last two weeks of flower. In the last two weeks of flower the plants direct all of their sugars-carbohydrates into the buds. They stop sending carbohydrates to the roots to feed and stimulate the microbes in the soil. So the microbes relax and quit producing nutrients for the plant. This is when we want to feed the microbes in the soil and stimulate them to continue to produce nutrients for the plant.
Day 6 for the NLBG. Day 3 for the white cheese & red poison. WC as a funky curly cue at the rapid rooter, probably because I did not seat seed deep enough. Next time, I'll makes sure to seat 1/2". Thanks for the heads up, Man'O'Green.


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Day 14 of life for the SAG NLBG, left front. She is growing, but the leaf damage from the taco-ing did not repair itself. Yet she's getting taller.
Day 11 for both the Sweet Seeds Red Poison(right front) & Dinafem White Cheese(left rear). I guess they are coming along. No sign of taco-ing from either of them. Hopefully cranking the humidifier has solved that, and they won't have any issues.


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Day 14 of life for the SAG NLBG, left front. She is growing, but the leaf damage from the taco-ing did not repair itself. Yet she's getting taller.
Day 11 for both the Sweet Seeds Red Poison(right front) & Dinafem White Cheese(left rear). I guess they are coming along. No sign of taco-ing from either of them. Hopefully cranking the humidifier has solved that, and they won't have any issues.
hi growmie i just thought id stop by and say hello i love your little cabinet i grow lots of small plants 2ltre bottles solo cups and a mix of big pots and your young girls are looking great and i see my buddy @Mañ'O'Green is helping you along so your in good hands there but if you need anything give me a shout and nice to meet you and be prepared this shit gets addictive .also look out for a monkey fan to clip on your poles it would work sweet :bravo:
Day 21 of life for the SAG Northern Lights Blu Glu. She still has something funny going on w/her leaves. My buddy thinks its overwatering, so I didn't water her until Saturday, when I watered them all. She looked fine Friday, and soil felt moist when i stuck my finger in it, but come saturday morning it was apparent I had waited too long. The new growth, lower leaves were all dried and curly. They still haven't recovered fully. Yet she keeps growing. Gave her a hair cut at the 5th node, and a little bondage. Seems to be going OK. Have my first tea brewing for her for tomorrow. Just a light one, I think, as i don't really know what i am doing. 3/4c EWC, 1/2c Flower Girl, 1T molasses, 1 gln of fine quality H2O. Hopefully she likes it.

The Sweet Seeds Red Poison seems to be doing well. She was topped at the 5th as well. That would have been on day 16 for her(Saturday).
Can't tell if she's grown since saturday, but she is not looking bad. Maybe start some LST in the next day of two if I see more growth, and i figure out how to do it in fabric pot.

The Dinafem White Cheese is the same age as the RP, but she's a little smaller. I don't think I'll top her, she'll be 3 weeks this Thursday. I don't know if I'll need to train her, if she stays small. Aren't these autos supposed to start flower at around week 4? that would be in about a week and a half.

I am worried about her color. Having ZERO experience at this, I cannot tell if she's naturally a lighter shade of green than the other two, or if she's starting to yellow. Thoughts?
So today is the start of week 4 for the SAG NLBG. She was starting to yellow a bit from the bottom up, so I top dressed her with a teaspoon of mykos, 1T of EWC, 1T of Flower Girl & about 2T of FFOF. Mixed it all together & watered. I think she is starting to flower. That what I am seeing here?

The other girls are doing OK. The dinafem WC resonded well to the tea, and topdressing. Her color is coming back.
Starting to get tight in my little grow space!
Just about to start week 6, and the girls are turning into ladies. Noticed a few gnats yesterday, so went & bought some mosquito bits, and watered them in this morning.

All in all, they are coming along nicely, and have responded well to the teas & top dressing.
They look healthy to me. But then, being my first run, i don't really know what to expect.
The Red Poison is the largest now, and starting to get frosty. Sorry, my phone pics are not the highest of quality.


The SAG NLBG is looking pretty dang good to me, as well. Getting Frosty!

Lastly the Dinafem White Cheese it a bit behind the other two size-wize. She's not as bushy, but still looking good. The yellowing of the leaves was fixed by the Tea & top dressing, so she's an lovely shade of green now.
Day 54. The Northern Lights Blu Glu looks just about done. Trichomes on the big colas are 10-15% amber, but the lower ones are just milky. Probably going to harvest her next week some time. The Red Poison & White Cheese have a bit to go.
NLBG in the 2L, WC to the right, RP in the back.


NLGB looking good and smelling delicious!
2/3rds of my first grow are in the books. Havested the SAG NLBG yesterday, and the Sweet Seeds Red Poison this morning.
NLBG was right at 60days, 3.5oz wet weight. The RP was at 58days, 4.4oz wet. The fruity pebbles smell of this plant is simply amazing.
Due to my limited space, and need for stealth, they are currently resting in the small weddryer, stashed at the back of the closest.




