Germination - Query around Ronin method

Thanks @Olderfart that is really good of you to reply with so much detail. I will take on board what you have both said and on the back of that adjust what i was planning. I seen domes that come in 3 packs at my local garden centre - they have a venting hole at the top so look perfect for the pots once i have transplanted them and i will make sure the soil/pots are nice and warm.

I did ask Biobizz about pre-soaking the Light mix soil and they said there was no need and that was only really required for more nutrient rich soil - i guess the aim in this scenario is to get the humidity up though?

I love this forum already :)

Glad to help, and glad that you like the forum. This is a really friendly and helpful place with lots of peeps willing to pass on ideas and experience. I am still a noob at this, but like to help when I can.

For domes, any clear plastic container will do just fine. If things get a bit wet inside, just elevate the edges to allow a bit of air exchange. You don't need to buy anything special.
That's given me plenty of food for thought and i hope this helps out someone else in a similar situation after reviewing the Ronan method. Thanks all - much appreciated.
Very solid advice from @Olderfart! I plant all my autos directly into their final pot, I’ve used root riots for my veggies in the garden, but that’s it. I got these pots all prepped last night, pre-soaked them with a mild feed,and now I’m just letting them warm up for a couple days before I drop some beans in water to soak. I’ll soak them in a shot glass for about 18hrs, then into the pots they go. I put the planters up on totes for the first week or two because it’s abit warmer up there (sitting at 85°f and 75%rh at the pots).

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Sweet setup @Garage_Grower! Looks as though you too got out the tools to make your own growdrobe. Very nice job.
Thanks for replying @Garage_Grower

Do you use rapid rooters / root riots / rootit's? I have researched this do death (probably over-researched) and the general consensus seems to be using the cubes have the highest rate of success but most of the case studies are done with non-autoflowering plants.

I didn't realise that grows would be such a minefield with many different approaches and opinions - i just want to keep it simple but effective.
from root riots germinated the ronin way as soon as i have a sprout i normally put it directly in a solo cup with my coco and straight under the light or even directly in the pot but I've always used solo cups and here are some pics as you can see they are right out of the tupaware tub
from root riots germinated the ronin way as soon as i have a sprout i normally put it directly in a solo cup with my coco and straight under the light or even directly in the pot but I've always used solo cups and here are some pics as you can see they are right out of the tupaware tub View attachment 1229273View attachment 1229274
Thanks @St. Tom - its great to see how you get a successful grow. Something i need to work on with practice i guess.
Thanks @St. Tom - its great to see how you get a successful grow. Something i need to work on with practice i guess.
it will all come together as i was the same very nervous about doing things right but soon you will get into the swing of it and if you notice my domes are made out of water bottles as i just use whatever i have to hand :smoking: and if you need any other help were all here to help each other
Hi guys, one of the popped seeds failed out of the cube as it appears to have got its leaves stuck and couldn't free them up. I tried to gently pry it up the way but it broke the tap root also. Not so good but at least the other 2 are ok for now.

I am going to try what appears to be the preferred method in this stream and plant the spare seed directly into the soil.

I have pre-soaked one of my pots and it is warming up. I purchased a dome with a vent at the top which didn't cost much at all.

Should i pre-soak the seed? And if so what i am waiting for - for them to sink or for a tap root to show itself? Does the tap root need to be any particular length? I have seen so many articles about not leaving a seed for more than 24 hours as it will drown (growweedeasy) then i see Fastbuds recommending to leave the seed for up to 72 hours.

I don't have a CFL light so i have set my LED light to the highest position of 1.2m. When should i turn it on? The last grow i turned it on as soon as the seedling had its first non-true leaves but i am beginning to doubt that approach. Should the tent be in complete darkness up until the LED light is turned on?

Once i plant the seed i will stick the dome over it and keep it there until it starts vegging - i am hoping this is OK.

Sorry for all the questions - i am a little nervous after all my last seeds failing.

Thanks in advance for any help
I found this way to be way over 90 pcent success rate also I've never soaked a seed but if you plant directly in the media at least you not handling the taproot with ya fingers
Hi guys, just thought i would follow up on the back of this and to help anyone else that was having similar queries / doubts.

I placed all my seeds in a glass of water for 18 hours - just to make sure they were viable. Meanwhile i was heating the soil/pots/room but added no water to the soil.

After 18 hours the seeds all sank so i transferred them to their final pot, covered lightly (around 1cm) and lightly watered them. I placed a dome over them which i bought from the garden center and opened the vent on the dome. Next day one had already broke ground and later that night all 3 had broken. I removed the dome after the first true leaves developed (3 days after planting) and only watered them when when the soil dried up a little.

I am really happy with all the advice and will continue to use this method as it is really simple and seems a lot more natural.

Thanks guys.