New Grower Germinating - Advanced techniques

Dec 3, 2014
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So I've been dicking around with different plants and MJ of course and have noticed something characteristic about the MJ. The seeds are generally viable.

So, I've decided to try to re invent the wheel.

Tried and true method.

1- Place mj seed(s) in glass of ph 5.5-6.5 water at room temp - SINK OR FLOAT, Place in towel.
2- label
3- Place in warm dark area, undisturbed. 24-29 degrees.
4- Check every 12 hours for a taproot
5- Once taproot shows, place in damp paper towel
-Place paper towel in a warm dark area, spraying every 5 hours or so. Do not let dry out. Usually a taproot will extend to a cm and is ready,
6- Place the seed carefully, taproot down, in whatever medium your using.
7- Cover hole gently
8- Place dome over top to create humidity
9- Wait those agonizing 12-72 hours - More if its an old seed or hard shell - thus my advanced technique.

My advanced technique. I want it up and out fast. And I don't want to lose seeds. So, ive tried a few things. The most extreme?

Seeds are placed in freezer overnight or longer
1- Wet sand seed
3- With tweezers crack the shell top to bottom, at the natural opening.............
2- Place seed in warm water
3- Leave it for 12 hours
4- Punch hole in medium 1/4 inch. Add 2 ml piranha.
5- Drop seed in
6- Cover hole
7- Water with light rapid start. Warm water again.
8- Place in relatively warm area with dome over it.

Well. This might just well of been a waste of my time, yours, and money. But if it works better, its a great way to get old or hard seeds to go, or to make any seed pop faster... Why would you though really.. I don't know.. Their is no point to this. Please don't flame me.

I will just post my findings.. I'm bored and want to experiment.
If anything good comes of this. Can I get a sticky. Or a sweet ass avatar like the giggly monster or AFN good vibe.:dance2:
I use grapefruit seed extract in my water when doing overnight soak, then I go straight to soil/medium, works well for me.
Nice, thank you. Anyone else have some tricks? New comers are always asking for help, damping off is on the rise, its an epidemic !!!!!!!! lol.. but really any contributions? I myself would like to hear the pros.
I just put my seeds in the the soil that I have just watered with a clear plastic cup over the top , never had a problem so far , all have sprouted this way , mind you I don't have to worry about it being cold , [ Tropics ]
I use the tried and true shot glass for 24h then plant and cover with plastic wrap.
So I've been dicking around with different plants and MJ of course and have noticed something characteristic about the MJ. The seeds are generally viable.

So, I've decided to try to re invent the wheel.

Tried and true method.

1- Place mj seed(s) in glass of ph 5.5-6.5 water at room temp - SINK OR FLOAT, Place in towel.
2- label
3- Place in warm dark area, undisturbed. 24-29 degrees.
4- Check every 12 hours for a taproot
5- Once taproot shows, place in damp paper towel
-Place paper towel in a warm dark area, spraying every 5 hours or so. Do not let dry out. Usually a taproot will extend to a cm and is ready,
6- Place the seed carefully, taproot down, in whatever medium your using.
7- Cover hole gently
8- Place dome over top to create humidity
9- Wait those agonizing 12-72 hours - More if its an old seed or hard shell - thus my advanced technique.

My advanced technique. I want it up and out fast. And I don't want to lose seeds. So, ive tried a few things. The most extreme?

Seeds are placed in freezer overnight or longer
1- Wet sand seed
3- With tweezers crack the shell top to bottom, at the natural opening.............
2- Place seed in warm water
3- Leave it for 12 hours
4- Punch hole in medium 1/4 inch. Add 2 ml piranha.
5- Drop seed in
6- Cover hole
7- Water with light rapid start. Warm water again.
8- Place in relatively warm area with dome over it.

Well. This might just well of been a waste of my time, yours, and money. But if it works better, its a great way to get old or hard seeds to go, or to make any seed pop faster... Why would you though really.. I don't know.. Their is no point to this. Please don't flame me.

I will just post my findings.. I'm bored and want to experiment.

Great post! This is my kind of thing, always looking to test new ideas! We learn from our failures as well as our successes! I personally wouldn't do anything to a seed shell, my thinking is, if the shell is too hard or thick, what's to say the plant doesn't have other genetics problems? I’d just as soon toss it. but this is still a viable technique for those who don't have seeds to spare.
Nice, thank you. Anyone else have some tricks? New comers are always asking for help, damping off is on the rise, its an epidemic !!!!!!!! lol.. but really any contributions? I myself would like to hear the pros.

Damping off is 90% caused by over water ot not understanding your medium, like rockwool. Here's a good tip that someone here posted, ( it a real DUH! Why didn't I think of that.. ) when you place your seeds in a paper towel and close it in a ziplock, find a place to stand it up so the roots grow pointing down... If you've ever germed some and had roots like corkscrews, well, now you know! Just be sure you put them back the same way you had them after checking for roots.