Germinated seeds in final pots

This is my dilemma. I have difficulties with transplanting so I drop seeds in final pots. Results are positive, BUT, I have stunted a few plants recently as a result of poor watering practices. The other issue I have is the temp issue in the desert. I have a finite growing season and 1 tent, so I overlap grows. That brings lighting into play.

If I could successfully transplant, I would.
What are the pros and cons of planting seeds directly in final pots ?

Pros: No chance of damaging the tap root, less steps involved in seeing a seedling.

Cons: Need to plant at the right depth (little fingernail deep), and not over water, or under water. the soil needs to be warm enough (it's easier to get a damp paper towel in a plastic bag at a good germination temp than a big potof soil)

I go straight to soil.
Water the soil first with perhaps 500ml ... leave it 30 minutes, drop a seed at little fingernail depth, and put a clear plastic cup on top.
Every day, give it a spray under the cup (on the soil) and wait for it to pop. 3-6 days.
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Thanks for the infos.
It's a dilemma, because I don't want to screw things up... never tried to plant directly.
But I think it will not work here because I don't have a way to heat under the pots. I just have a heater in order to get to 20°C/68°F inside the lung room.
So I'd rather stick to the method I used last time (ronin way) :greenthumb:
This is what I do. Fill my pot wet it down fully put it in the tent to warm up for 24 hours. Use the thing the seeds come in push it in till it hit the end of the taper or where it gets fat. put the seed and n cover lightly make sure there is nothing big that stop it from coming up. Give alittle spray of water to settle the seed then just mist as need to keep soil moist. Watering is definitely the hardest part for the first 2 or 3 weeks. Takes time to learn how much and when. You will mess up. We all do. But Ive had great success with doing this. Its just a fine line you ride until the fill the pot and you can fully water.
To plant in final pots, you can let your media/soil-filled pots sit in the tent for at least several days, to let the soil warm up some. One day doesn't seem long enough to warm the inner parts.

Or sometimes, such as now in winter with my media stored outside, I rinse/drain-to-waste with warm or even somewhat hot water. I presume it best to plant and grow seedlings in media/soil at least room temp., perhaps ideally 75-80˚F (mimicking sun-warmed surface soil in spring). The pot's content will cool over a few days, come to their usual somewhat below room temp. (with evaporation causing cooling). By then you will likely have sprouted seedlings growing.