Okay, so it's ten days since the seeds crossed my desk.. seven since they sprouted...
Betty Boo is certainly not off to teh races yet.. though I have my fingers crossed..
Decided on canna aqua flores with my rhizo for teh whole she-bang (considering there is virtually no veg time to mess around with..
here's some pics..
View attachment 135339A silly thing happened on teh way to the moon.. this silly little guy appeared outta nowhere (actually I'd just taken a buncha peat pots taht weren't germinating fast enough for me and mashed em up and made this peat pot for the kosher kush that hermied at work.. and well it looks like I gots me TWO new kosher kush to play with.. so.. I'm gonna top this sucker every single time that I can and see what sorta outta control bonsai type thing that it can make.. root-bound to keep er short, thenh smash that sucker down into some pro-mix at the old factory and stick it under a 1000 watt, surrounded by six foot wilderness (should say wildness) and see if the best yields come from volume or depraved love..
View attachment 135340so, the little guy is going in here, and I'm gonna try a sick dip and twist standing water swamp weed grow.. this of course is NOT with Betty
View attachment 135341here's the gist of the frankenschteining
View attachment 135342into this dirty ass clay pellet wash tub
View attachment 135343et voila!!
View attachment 135344and here's my advanced techniques in action. spoon a la unwanted plant!!
View attachment 135345a little rootage!
View attachment 135346mash that bee-otch home
View attachment 135347snap a little lid around her and it's like the dream of all dreams.. Im gonna hafta pee on this thing at some point just to see how strong this kk really is..
View attachment 135348and here's his buddy.. which I kinda topped (fimed really)< which I do with a paring knife, a small slit on the insides of teh "outside leaves" deep down into towards the stem.. it's pretty consistent.. this time I was just bein my regular rocket scientist and shanked a bottom leaf off and chopped through one of the side branches.. whcih I dcided to hold up with a big pieces of wood from my scrap pile.. yepp Frankenschtein lives here..
View attachment 135349betty, short, but relatively thick stalk already.. slow leaves, but I think I overwatered my rockwool in the early going, plus maybe the recirc is hitting the bottom and keeping it damp below surface.. I've made a commitment to do this blind, so unless everything gets all f-ed in the a, I'm gonna let it ride..
View attachment 135350growin nice, came up good, but I think it's bein drowned a little.. for SURE this recirc tube was constantl;y watering the rockwool.. at least there was Rhizo in that water and hopefully it boosted the roots down pretty far,.,
View attachment 135351this is the baby bettty nearest teh ODNO lights and to my eyes it has made a difference.. I'd hoped there would kinda be an absolute of light for them to feed off, but relaly, teh lights seem to be just kinda a little too far away.. ANd so I have already added some tiny little flowering lights, hopin to bring a bit more energy to the leaves..
View attachment 135352just nice.. like really for hitting teh dirt like the third or fourth and only being outta their seeds for a few days these guys ain;t doin too bad.. and tehy are just little betties,,..
so.. that's teh longer than the short, but kinda where I'm at.
I've also added a couple of fans.. computer style, a 10cm and a 5 inch.. the ten cm is 3 speed and is inside sucking air up from down near teh tubes, blowing it in a swirly way aroudn teh plants.. and the five inch is located above teh whoel damn thing.. creating a negative air pressure in the cabinet.. eventually there will be a carbon filter in front of it, with a booster at the other end of the tube.. maybe a bit louder than I want, but at least it should be relatively scent-free. (if betty even smells..)
that's it for taht..