Photoperiod Gender reversal

I make 1/2 the batch and store what I don't use, it will keep for some time. The amount of chemicals used is so small, its hard to make a smaller batch than 1/2. A 1/4 batch you'd be trying to measure 0.625g of silver nitrate, a pretty small amount.
Everything I've found on sts is for a big batch I'd like know how much of each to add for about 3 small plants.

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I make 1/2 the batch and store what I don't use, it will keep for some time. The amount of chemicals used is so small, its hard to make a smaller batch than 1/2. A 1/4 batch you'd be trying to measure 0.625g of silver nitrate, a pretty small amount.
I've got some good scales and I guess I'll just have to experiment on a few batches and get it figured out I may have try a half batch I tried the one they got on here and it turned yellow then black

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sounds like something went wrong then, it should be clear, like water, not black.

did you use distilled water? and did you follow the order of mixing from the recipe?(don't know from the top of my head which order it was, but I remember the recipe said to mix one of the solutions into the other while stirring, I think it was the silver nitrate mixed into the sodiumthiosulphate? but could be the other way)
Not only MUST the water be distilled, but the containers you mix in must be spotlessly clean, they must rinsed with distilled water. I wash my bottles with very hot water, rinse, then rinse with iso alcohol to remove any film of soap, then rinse twice with distilled water. Contaminants in the water or container can discolor and/or ruin your solution.