Photoperiod Gender reversal


Apr 4, 2016
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Hey dudes, I am currently spraying a clone with colloidal silver. I started with a ppm solution of approx 11 (weak I know, but first attempt) about a week before 12/12, and then made a stronger batch at approx 15_20 ppm. At about 10 days into 12/12, I am seeing a few female hairs, although a lot less than the unsprayed clones, but no sign of "balls".
My question is, is it normal to get some female flowers as well as male in a reversal, or is my solution too weak. Am spraying 2_3 times a day.
I am going to @ some of the "more likely to know" AFN brothers , but any feedback from anyone is welcome and appreciated.
@Dr. Babnik
Thanks guys
Hmm not sure but i would think male or female have preflowers which are similar at first, than the male would produce balls.....Lent out my copy of jorge Cervantes marijuana bible, its a good read well worth buying :D
This is something I will be attempting soon so I have just read the 60+ page thread.

Epic Genetics says multiple times in that thread that a female flower will show but die off. In its place a male flower will form. He does not mention male and female flowers living side by side on a plant that is being sprayed all over.
Does your solution pass the lazer pointer test?
He also says spraying 2 to 3 times a day is too much and attributes his only failure to over spraying.
Ya its normal to get female hairs but 20 PPM is week. You want a solution strong enough that you can see a laser light beam in the solution which is at about 30 PPM or above. Also you want to spray at least 2 times a day and 3 would be better. You only need to spray one branch. The whole thing though, the leafs and stems. I have reversed clones before for fem seeds and my pollen branches had a few female hairs on them too but not many. At first though I did not think it worked very good and there were female pre flowers and only a few signs of male pollen sacks and I was un sure if it worked or the plant had just went herm on me on its own.
Hmm not sure but i would think male or female have preflowers which are similar at first, than the male would produce balls.....Lent out my copy of jorge Cervantes marijuana bible, its a good read well worth buying :D

Thanks man, I have the Bible , don't recall seeing the info I am seeking but that doesn't mean that it's not there. Will read again.
party on Ze:hippy:
This is something I will be attempting soon so I have just read the 60+ page thread.

Epic Genetics says multiple times in that thread that a female flower will show but die off. In its place a male flower will form. He does not mention male and female flowers living side by side on a plant that is being sprayed all over.
Does your solution pass the lazer pointer test?
He also says spraying 2 to 3 times a day is too much and attributes his only failure to over spraying.

Thanks captain, I have already devoured that excellent thread, but fusing it with another experts recommendations, I opted for a weaker solution and more frequent spraying.
I opted for the 7.5 volt/400 mAmp combo.
At this rate, getting approx 400 ml of home distilled water to CS ppm of 20 took 24 hours with a rod wipe and polarity change after 12 hrs. Laser did reveal particles and everything is done in darkness. Spray bottle wrapped up in foil too.
I will endeavour to persevere.:hippy:
Ya its normal to get female hairs but 20 PPM is week. You want a solution strong enough that you can see a laser light beam in the solution which is at about 30 PPM or above. Also you want to spray at least 2 times a day and 3 would be better. You only need to spray one branch. The whole thing though, the leafs and stems. I have reversed clones before for fem seeds and my pollen branches had a few female hairs on them too but not many. At first though I did not think it worked very good and there were female pre flowers and only a few signs of male pollen sacks and I was un sure if it worked or the plant had just went herm on me on its own.

Thanks Joe. I am doing another batch of distilled water right now, so might make the next batch at 30 ppm solution just to be sure.
Got another few clones taking root so if present transgender clone doesn't "man up", I can start again.
Will report back on this and let all of you know what happens.
Many thanks man.:hippy:
Just A heads up. 40ppm seems to be sure fire. Also if you're going to reverse a clone wait till its mature ie shows sex, then spray the plant once in entirety and flip it to 12/12. After this only spray the node you want reversed at the growth tip not all the foliage. the silver is blocking the node from ethylene hormone as an inhibitor. Good luck.
Just A heads up. 40ppm seems to be sure fire. Also if you're going to reverse a clone wait till its mature ie shows sex, then spray the plant once in entirety and flip it to 12/12. After this only spray the node you want reversed at the growth tip not all the foliage. the silver is blocking the node from ethylene hormone as an inhibitor. Good luck.
Thanks @Habitual
At this stage I seem to be getting conflicting info about at what stage to start spraying.
Given that I am dealing with photo clones here, theyre not going to do any flowering until the 12/12 regime starts, unless you are referring to preflowers which will eventually show up on a mature clone, but I am flowering more of them (clones) sooner, rather than fewer of them later, if you catch my drift.
Interesting that you say just spray the growth tip, and not all the foliage.this is the first time I have seen this recommendation. I have been spraying the whole plant topside and underside. Can you quote a source for this info, or is it just personal experience? Would be interested to chase this up.
Thanks man.:thanks: