Live Stoner Chat G'day Beautiful People / Chronic Fem auto

Nov 19, 2014
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G'day beautiful people of AFN ! I joined a couple of weeks ago but haven't introduced myself so HI ! :-)

I am from northern N.S.W. in Australia. I live in an area know for growing great outdoor hooch. I am an outdoor guy and have grown photo's some years ago. A mate told me about auto's only about a month ago and he had to show me on the net as I didn't believe him, I thought he was taking the piss hahaha ! and so now I'm very excited to be starting my first auto grow as soon as my beans arrive with a view to growing organically.

I am awaiting Chronic auto fem'd from AMS....

They claim an outdoor yield of "up to 550g" for this strain. I am somewhat dubious ! I have ideal soil, weather, water, so I guess time will tell ! I am wondering if anyone has grown this strain in's or out's ? and if this yield claim can be confirmed or denied :-) , would love to hear from anyone. Look forward getting some great advice from experienced auto growers. Thanks for reading. Peace, love, light & laughs :peace: Vas
Afternoon Vas, :styles rasta: mate! I`ve no experience of that strain, I`m sorry t`say. Hopefully someone will stop in who has. Good t`have you here and it`ll be good to see/hear how it works out for ya, all the best mate! Grow :karma Cloud: sent your way :goodluck:
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Hey Vas D,

good to see an Aussie joining up. I would love to see some photos when you get up and running. I bet you have ideal conditions for growing. Heck, if I can do it i Blighty, I'm sure you can get the harvest claimed by the seedbank. sixty.jpg

Good luck pal, eP.
Welcome Vas! Glad you found us! If you need anything, we will get you sorted. Not sure about that strain, but out doors, they can get huge! Hate to name drop, but epenguine is your guy to chat with, about outdoor growing! :goodluck:
Thanks guys ! Yes EP, if you can do it outdoor in old dart's weather, then I have no excuse ! I will be documenting & photographing the grow :-)
Thanks guys ! Yes EP, if you can do it outdoor in old dart's weather, then I have no excuse ! I will be documenting & photographing the grow :-)

Glad to hear that brother. We are suckers for bud porn. All the best,

Welcome to AFN Vas, great to hear that you are giving auto's a try. 550 grams would be a very good harvest but some autos do get big. I am a mostly outdoor grower as well so will be interested in how it does or you.