Live Stoner Chat Games: What games are you playing?

I'm on my second Cooler Master Xornet gaming mouse. Budget price of £20 but great DPI and very well made, the first one lasted me three years.


my last game console was an Atari 2600 on a tube type TV. and my only game console.
I have been playing one strategy game on the computer for many years, since mid 90's called Master of Orion. started on 1 then went to version two. there is version 3 and 4, they suck. and I still play version two. your a bunch of whipper snappers. :biggrin::cheers:
Playing through Assassins Creed III for the first time, lots of MW:Warzone with friends, and just got lost in Minecraft Dungeons on XB for three hours today. It's stupid fun and easy enough that I got my non-gaming better half to play with me too.
I'm in on warzone a couple of nights a week with some friends, pretty good stuff for a free game as long as you have the equipment to play it.
I still play hide the sausage as often as possible. not so much lately. :rofl: