Live Stoner Chat Games: What games are you playing?

PC gamer here. Mainly fps. Currently playing through Borderlands the pre-sequel - true vault hunter mode. Once I'm done will be going onto Farcry 4 and then maybe assassins creed :)
I'm mainly a ps4 player, bought GTA 5 a few days ago so currently working through that. I love playing FIFA though so if anyone on ps4 fancies a game then let me know. I'm also trying to figure out Madden and NBA but not too good with them yet
LOL thats my kinda thread guys! been there done that 2014

Wolfenstein the last order ( BEST EVER )
Alien isolation ( scary as fuck @ Xboxone playing alone with the wifey at night recommended)
COD: Advanced warfare (duhh?)
RYSE: SON OF ROME ( best mid age real time fighter ITS SUPER FUN)
FarCry 4
PC Gamer here!

Call of duty 4 MP / Modern Warfare 3 MP / Battlefield 3/4 MP / Star Trek Online / Need for speed World / Middle earth: Shadow of Mordor... The list goes on and on.... and on and on... lol

Peace :peace:
PC Gamer here: I'm playing Dragon Age Inquisition casually. I also play between 5-10 matches of Starcraft 2 a week to keep my skills up. Also I "play" Eve Online, which is to say I pay my monthly sub, and occasionally login to add skills to my queue.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PC with x360 controller. Entertaining game.

Mainly play Battlefield 4 though, the eye candy still pleases me.
FPV UAV... Fully automated. Its kinda like a game. Except the airforce actually have an issue.

Ps3 and Nintendo wii here. I myself dont play that much anymore but my GF is now the player in our house. We bought the FFX-2 remaster box a few months ago and my god I love both of them. I played em back on the ps2 and my GF put in around 140 hours on FFX and is now playing FFX-2, she played about 55 hours of that game before we realized we missed a lot of stuff that we couldent go back for so last night we started all over again with a big smile on our faces. For me that is the ultimate grade for a game that you can put in over 50 hours and then have to start over again and just be happy to do so.

She also played Skyrim for about 250 hours and my god I love that game also.

Great gaming everybody
