Whoa, thanks Tom!
Wow, thank you everyone.
@Cookiemonster69 - Nice to know I'm not the only one. Feels a bit odd to be a cook who doesn't taste his food sometimes! hahaha.
if I was you and you want to try to maybe vape again if you get a cross cbd one I found they are a superb balance no panic attack or bouncing heartbeat its just a thought also how long have you been growing my wife helps me here and there but I live and breath canna growing its always in my thoughtsHey hey it's all gravy. We're all here for everyone. I used to smoke, it's been a decade now I've stopped. Only stopped because my body started to resist it and induce panic attacks. I trialed to go back to it after 6 months of stopping but hey ho panick attacks allover again. Been cold turkey ever since. I miss it so much, made me feel sssssso good and super motivated to live life. All I can do now is to hold my harvested cured colas like a corn on the cob,and sniff it up and down remeniscing the good old days lol sigh... I still love weed, I love everything about it.
I only started growing early last year, such a fascinating process. My dream is for it to be legalised in the UK. And maybe some of us growers get together and start a shop and grow.
if I was you and you want to try to maybe vape again if you get a cross cbd one I found they are a superb balance no panic attack or bouncing heartbeat its just a thought also how long have you been growing my wife helps me here and there but I live and breath canna growing its always in my thoughts
long as your in a good place my wife has some mental health issues occasionally and has had that since her first marriage years before meeting me so I do understand and I think we both balance each other out somehow. also its really nice to get to know you a bit more as UK growers impress me so much even more girls you rock hunHey Tom!
Yes! I've seen many people turning to CBD vapes. However I realised I'm now medically anxious... Meaning if I was to take some sort of medication I become so critical with my thoughts, like omg I just had a pill .. what's going to happen, why does my arm feel warm, and that kick starts my anxiety. Ever since that phase when I stopped cannabis. I think the cannabis I had that day must have been laced with something, maybe PGR god knows, whatever it contained it rewired my brain. It sucks. But I'm okay taking paracetamol and stuff.
Maybe in the future I'm going to grow some CBD strain, ones that a near 0 percent THC. There are loads of strains out there but their THC is somewhat there, and it scares me.
I've been growing for around a year now. I wouldn't count my early grows lol they where just a desktop lamp and plain water setup. They would die by on me by the 2nd week.
And same! I don't know what's become of me, whenever I'm at work on my break, I'm always going through my phone gallery smiling at my grows. Love it when I come home and they look bigger and bigger.
long as your in a good place my wife has some mental health issues occasionally and has had that since her first marriage years before meeting me so I do understand and I think we both balance each other out somehow. also its really nice to get to know you a bit more as UK growers impress me so much even more girls you rock hun:smoking:
we have a couple of female staff mossy has been here from the very beginning shes lovely also rebel I'm trying to think of some others also you really seem to have green fingers going by your plants they are very impressiveAwhh bless you and your wife. Power couples complete eachother... Nowadays too many couples compete. It does also come into mind also, that what if I get married and I have to get rid of this hobby of mine :O not a chance in hell!
I'm the only lady in my circle that grows, I tried getting one of my girls into it but then she got married off lol I noticed the grow scene is dominated by the male scene... But who cares about gender, I mean I got all you lovely guys right?!
I befriended this American... P***star and she started growing the same time as me. She's the only other female I know that actually grows, we catch up on progress. You can find her on Instagram her name's 'Jayla Starr'.