Grow Mediums Fungus Gnats in New Soil

Be careful with tobacco. I don't know how long TMV can stay alive in dead material, but I'd hate to have introduced TMV to my grow when BTK, sticky pads, and dunks can seal the deal.
Very distinct possibility! That's why it's best to grow your own. :thumbsup:
Your best bet is Baccilus thuringiensis israealensis, abreviated as Bti, otherwise known as Mosquito Dunks.

This, all day. Not long ago an acquaintance gifted me with some starts, all about 4" to 14." He showed me his grow which was basically lousy with fungus gnats. I chose to use the Bits but same brand same product just granular. I have only treated them once and it knocked them down real well. The plants have also gone on day trips outside I think that helped some. They want you to treat 3 times a week apart, and after that you can simply sprinkle some grains on top before watering and get ahead of future gnats. I found it very effective and I also live in an area where water stands near my home from November to June or even July so look out mosquito larvae.

So having used it I recommend it but I did see someone posted about NemaKnights Nematodes, and what caught my eye is that the product also treats thrips so if it works well on gnats just as well use that as getting ahead of thrips can only be good. As I understand it thrips will kick your ass.
Nicotine introduced into environments in concentration has a very negative environmental effect. I'm afraid your statement is not true.

Do you suppose it's only irony that hazards related to nicotine derived pesticides should come up in a thread begun by a user named kill a be or is there some greater force at work ?
This, all day. Not long ago an acquaintance gifted me with some starts, all about 4" to 14." He showed me his grow which was basically lousy with fungus gnats. I chose to use the Bits but same brand same product just granular. I have only treated them once and it knocked them down real well. The plants have also gone on day trips outside I think that helped some. They want you to treat 3 times a week apart, and after that you can simply sprinkle some grains on top before watering and get ahead of future gnats. I found it very effective and I also live in an area where water stands near my home from November to June or even July so look out mosquito larvae.

So having used it I recommend it but I did see someone posted about NemaKnights Nematodes, and what caught my eye is that the product also treats thrips so if it works well on gnats just as well use that as getting ahead of thrips can only be good. As I understand it thrips will kick your ass.
I used BT back in the 90s. I really only used it on corm worms and a couple years an invasion of grasshoppers in my hay field. Interesting way it interrupts the insect's digestive process.and kills it.

Those talking about Nicotine.
Bear in mind that there is an immense difference in Nicotine and Nicotine Sulfate. Extremely vast!
Bear in mind that there is an immense difference in Nicotine and Nicotine Sulfate. Extremely vast!

I went down the rabbit hole for a while yesterday when nicotine came up in this thread, and found one or two interesting nuggets of info. Here's one from a 1983 American Orchid society article.

"Many older growers remember the nicotine smoke bombs that were so effective against aphids and other sucking pests. One simply lit the fuse and vacated the greenhouse. Before the smoke bombs were manufactured, liquid nicotine sulphate was used to produce the fumes. The boiler would be started, thereby heating the under-bench steam pipes. Men with paintbrushes and buckets full of nicotine sulphate would be stationed at the far ends of the steam lines in the greenhouse. They would then more or less simultaneously paint the nicotine onto the hot steam pipes as they backed quickly out of the house. The rising fumes worked well on insects, but they rapidly turned the slower painters green!"

I didn't copy it over, but the next paragraph recalled how they also sprinkled cyanide crystals on wet walks as they simultaneously made a hasty exit. :eek1:
for what its worth Using eco friendly Sticky Traps to Keep em under control for Now,
just swapped in these in this morning.
eco friendly sticky traps.jpg
From day ONE I always use water that has mosquito dunks in it. It is so much easier to prevent than deal with those little suckers!! :-)