Fungus Gnats and Air-Pot

Well, this should last for years unless you are scaling up to supply all of the Caribbean with happiness and the cost is just about twice of what I shelled out for 250 ml flask of some insecticide with..... Yeah, neem oil.....

Here's the other ingredients I bought 10 kg for 60 euro, with a couple of handfuls for each pot and since I presently don't plan on supplying a string of tropical islands, it should last for at least a little while.....

You can also make your own neem insecticide for watering into the soil or as a foliar, turns out the emulsifier (Rimulgan seems to be the ticket) is actually the most expensive item
Here's one recipe
Evening guys,

Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated!! Sorry for slow response just not had a minute to sit down till now.

I've crumbled up a dunk ring into 5 Gallons along with some molasses as per your recommendation Waira and it's bubbling away at the minute. The dunks crumbled quite easily but aren't dissolving quickly, still a fair proportion floating about in the bubbles. Hopefully giving the plants a drenching won't slow their development too much as they are 16 days and only really just starting to grow with real vigour. Do you think mixing it with some bio silicone to reduce the over watering shock would be ok?

Calling them "Flying Gonads" is a brilliant description, nailed it!:crying:

Weirdly, I was about to buy some dunks on eBay when totally randomly, Amazon sent me a pack as a "gift" with a "thanks for being a customer" card!! How excellent and useful was that?!? Brilliant timing, I'm well chuffed! Universe obviously wants me to use the dunks first so I will give the pots a good drench and spray tomorrow and hopefully get rid of the winged gonads before the "second wave" hatches out! If not I will get some Diatomaceous Earth down too.

Will let you know how I get on, let battle commence!

Thanks again

Stay Lucky

...oh, the granules won't dissolve mate, I think they might be corn or something, a medium for the bacterial cysts to adhere too, perhaps even grown on-? ... :thumbsup:-talk about providence, ay? As mentioned, no need to drench them, Tri', when I do it, I just water as normal... The Si isn't something that helps with water logging, but it does many other great things! Use it regularly for best effect, this'un-->
... :rofl: yeah, flying gonads-- a common thing in many bugs! Sticky traps are good for nabbing the adults,... and the DE is effective against many vermins, so not bad to have around,... don't worry about it as a Si source either, it's glass basically, and isn't soluble, right? :biggrin: For example, it's often added to water in pools/spa's to aid in filtration,...
Thanks again for the advice Waria, much appreciated.

I gave them a dunk inpregnated spray /drink last night and will do the same again for the next few waterings.

Hopefully the gonads will be gone in the next week or so!

Keep you posted.

Stay lucky

Had those in my tent also, though not many. I just crumbled the dunks and spread them around on the top soil. Also used some yellow sticky traps attached with clothes pins and placed them on the outer edge of the pot. Worked like a charm.
Thanks guys, I'm under LED's so as usual the soil is taking a while to dry out but I will give them another drink with the dunk mix tonight. I've also put down some yellow sticky strips but have caught only 4 of the wee buggers so far. Having said that, there are only very few now buzzing about now so it looks like its going in the right direction! Time will tell.....

Thanks again for all your help, I will hopefully update next week with a clean bill of health!!

Stay lucky

Just a quick update for anyone looking for information.

I suffered a "Second Wave" of gnats so I crumbled another dunk over the soil surface and watered it in.

Happy to say I've not seen one of the little buggers for 10-14 days so, touch wood, that's them sorted!

Thanks again for advice.

Stay lucky

keep in mind you do not want to ingest in anyway the DE.. so be careful working with it.