Indoor FullAuto245 Constant journal

I know one has IR chips in it I think maybe it’s a newer version I’m not sure? If you want to link the lights you guys bought hook me up I’m just comparing apples to oranges with little knowledge on the subject.
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Slacking on my updates...Day 15 here

Cdlc 1

Cdlc 2- twisty lox nubby cousin

Straw Nug

Strawberry nuggets is giving me fits. She seems like she wants more cal-mag but is finicky about the extra nutrients. I always struggle at this stage between getting run off to prevent rising ppm and giving the right amount of water starting a buildup. I noticed some burning on her so i put double the water through the pot to bring down the ppm. Hopefully she doesn't hate me for the excess water.

currently feeding 1/1/2 ml gal calmag/micro/bloom about every 36 hours or so. ph between 5.8-6.1

Rh has been struggle to keep high on average I'm about 47 lights on and 58 off.
temps 76-82

Its actually day 21 now ill add some blurples too.