Thanks Full D
To answer your questions..
They were hand watered, and I rotated each pot by a quarter every day. I could have been more vigilent at moving the rows too, but once they all got to their max height they were really left in place.
The taller ones went to the back and sides with the shorter ones in the centre and middle. It kind of seemed the best way to do it with having a parabolic reflector/verticle bulb arrangement.
I think they could have done better, as the setup really wasn't dialed in, and the strains were both new to me.
For example I fed a little too much early on, no bad signs of burn or anything but I could tell they would have been headed that way which meant i had to back off and give plain water for a couple of waterings.
Also humidity was too high in the flowering stage 50-60% generally which wasn't at all optimum. Only had a tiny bit of budrot on one plant though so it could have been worse. Another circulatory fan would have helped and I could have turned my fan up. But I was low on funds mid-grow and also noise is a concern where I am at.
This new run, I am aiming to have 25-30 fems depending on what ratio of girls I get, but I have 55 seedlings in there now.
I'm doing Secret Citrus which are meant to be bigger though, so I suspect it will get pretty full once again.
I'm upgrading my reflector, I'm getting a large adjustawing, which should really offer the most intensity to the plants the 600 has to offer.
But if i end up with a similar size harvest I shall be very happy. Especially as it will be a little less work heavy.
But all in all for a first run in a new setup and the first run of the strains I think it went well. Now it's just about tweaking it over time to hopefully get consistantly higher yields
Thanks again for your comments. Mitch