Live Stoner Chat Frosin + Ozone = Frozone???

Ok...went back and watched the entire vid to see if there was more technical details that I missed with the skipping around before. There wasn't, but still interesting that he got the very different results than what I'm seeing. Can't be all quantity with pressing a small bud versus a few mid sized all at once. Maybe a higher temp to evap out the water quicker? Higher temp is also on my list of things to try.

Been reading a little on sublimation as well. Water is one of the only elements that can go directly from solid to gaseous form. It's why ice cubes will evaporate if left long enough in the freezer without creating a puddle first. It's also why I bring up how long his bag has been in the freezer as I wonder if there might be something to the idea of using time basically to freeze dry the plant material. I took the other baggie out this morning and gave it a quick kind of burp, similar to burping jars when curing. Think I'm going to let it go longer in the freezer and keep an eye on the frozen condensation in the bag. Burp it every few days to cycle the air a little and see if I can't over a week or so freeze dry things and see what that does.

Firing up the press now to try a couple single, small nug presses and think I'll push it up to 275ish as well...
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Did a press at 280ish using smaller bits. Broke up a decent sized bud into four small bits and pressed them out. Lots of sizzling as the water boils off, and looks like there should be something there when first opening the paper. But still just soaking into the paper like water when trying to scrape anything off. Cooling them some in the fridge to see if that solidifies things up a bit, but not looking good for this test run so far, either.

Back to the drawing board!!

The fresh is basically the target for this. When the plant is frozen fresh from the harvest, it's supposed to preserve the flavors much better for concentrates than when things are dried using normal procedures. I'm guessing it works much better with solvent based extraction since you're already purging moisture as part of the process anyhow. Wouldn't really affect something like an ice water bubble hash, either with the putting it in the water. The problem is with rosin pressing the moisture is causing issues.

I've stalled out for a few days but haven't completely given up. I've still got a bag and half in the freezer to play with. I've checked a couple times, but not any drier yet. I need to take a portion out of the baggie and set it on a plate or something in the freezer for a while and let the "frost free" mechanism in the freezer do it's bit and pull the moisture out some to freeze dry things. I'd still like to try some dry ice curing to basically freeze dry some, but that may have to wait for the next plant harvest as I haven't had time to track down a CO2 tank to make a little dry ice.
Did another test run tonight, and still no luck. I took the half bag I had left from one plant out of the baggie and put it on a plate in the chest freezer out in the garage. Checked on it every couple days. Today the buds felt not cool to the touch, which should have been a good indication that they had dried out. Pressed out at about 270F and just got the same watery mess that soaked into the paper but nothing else.

Have to far not looking good at all in my opinon on this. Still want to try a dry ice cure, and may take up the search in the next couple days for some CO2 to try it out with the other baggie still in the freezer. Too too too too too much water. :shrug:
