Mephisto Genetics Frankidelics presents to you the Sour Hound!

looking good bro, shes properly speeding along and very :pass:green and healthy, have ya got the passive intakes open on the tent? if my my temps get to much I open the tent a few inches, prob not good practice to be honest, but when the lights are on i cant see it causing loads of problems.
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Thanks a lot bro! I'm pretty happy with her so far :) It's good not to see any deficiency yet! How long you think I should wait before starting to feed her? Her roots are starting to reach the bottom half of the pot I suppose, where the All Mix is..
Yes I do let them open, as well as one door too. The humidifier's outside the tent so it's easier to just let it open for now - at least until I get a cooltube..!
Thanks for passing by!
I would just add a tadge of grow, the all mix is probably still feeding her, 1ml max. She would still be ok with water till end of week. She looks happy buddy.
I would just add a tadge of grow, the all mix is probably still feeding her, 1ml max. She would still be ok with water till end of week. She looks happy buddy.
Cheers brother!
I'm very happy! Look at her!

NEVER have I managed to have a plant make it that far without a single deficiency! Loving the BioBizz soil mix, that's for sure ;)
She's well, thanks bro!
Here are some pics taken 2 days ago:


I started feeding her some Grow, Bloom and Top Max at 1mL/L as I'm seeing some yellowing of the lower leaves and perhaps some deficiency too... I'd like to try the 'amendment method' but I still haven't got what I need (some guano, worm castings, and dolomite), so for now I'll just be using those 3 bottle nutes I have...

Looking good buddy :pass: she is getting big mate, im sure the 3 bottles will do the job, calcified seaweed is great for calcium and general health and some unsulphured boot strap molasses for magnesium and carbs, good amendments to have to hand imo and cheap as chips! Alfalfa is good one too, from reading it seems to be a bit of super amendment. Ive found bat guano really enhances flavour.
Thanks a lot brother! I'll have a look into those too.
This is what she looks like today by the way!
image (7).png
image (8).png

And this is one of the lower leaves that I just removed:
image (6).png

looking good mate :) maybe the it wasnt receiving any light, you got some big ass leaves on that lady :smoking: