-- their nutes are fine, it's the soils that are rather spotty for quality, especially OF,.. HF is milder, seems less problematic than OF... in the past I have used OF until it fragg'ed a whole set of seedlings (not used straight either, it's generally too hot for seedlings),.. I got an Accurate 8 soil pH probe and tested the soil, and it was in the low 5's pH
... small wonder they were fucked up! Since then, I have tested soil in the bag's even, and many test out the same,... way acidic! I suspect it's not cooked enough before it goes out,..... Despite all this they remain popular,... I'm betting it's a local sourcing thing, some folks get OK bags, others don't,... but I still see too much garbage in their soils-- sticks, stones, poorly broken up bits of coco, compost etc.,... So if you use
soils, I'd use HF and start nutes sooner,... otherwise, look for the Roots Organic line, or Royal Gold King's Mix,... otherwise, you're rolling the dice IMO... I've been the chief Infirmary guy for 3+ years, and hands down OF is the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem soil, often made worse by grower mistakes, but not always,...
...yes on all 3; Big Bloom is a misnomer, if you look at the NPK#'s, you'll see they are all in the decimal range, beyond weak as a true fertilizer,... it's great stuff, as a supplement, but not as a primary nute', that's what Tiger is for,....