Grow Mediums Fox Farms Ocean Forest

I had the micro,grow,bloom given to me at christmas and other than price it was awesome stuff. i check ph before and after and every time its perfect when done.

How are you mixing it if you add extra stuff?? there is and order from advanced nut to mix all 3 ; 1. micro, 2,. grow, 3, bloom.
but want do you do when you add other stuff? I was always taught to mix your high nitrogens first but then i worry about the ph control aspect. I decided to go 1. grow, all the other crap i like highest nitrogen first then down the list, 2. grow, 3. bloom. But i just guessed on that order myself but ph seems to test alright.
I've never used the Micro. For instance, I mix Botanicure calmag, Buried Treasure Guano, Big Buds/Bud Ignitor (when needed), then A&B goes last. Then I check EC/PPM.