Found a seed on my plant tonight

Found a seed on my grape soda photo this morning, I’m thinking it was pollinated by the auto I had in the tent. I found one male flower and removed it but it opened in my fingers. I didn’t find any seeds in the auto(already smoked). Haven’t seen any other nanners. I’ll grow em if mature. Could be interesting.
Found a seed on my grape soda photo this morning, I’m thinking it was pollinated by the auto I had in the tent. I found one male flower and removed it but it opened in my fingers. I didn’t find any seeds in the auto(already smoked). Haven’t seen any other nanners. I’ll grow em if mature. Could be interesting.
I made a shit load of female seeds my last grow,not auto flowers just normal indica females,I did some
Crazy crosses with some females I had all round the same age,by the looks of this sour kush it has lots of seeds it’s very strange I didn’t see any nanners,I’ve been checking the other females what’s it with it,I can’t see anything wrong with them,

maybe I’ll try one of these seeds see if it will open