Old Reviews Focusvape Pro Real BANG For Your Buck!

Four and a half years later, my Focus pro still going strong! I now have a Boundless Terra also, but I still use the focus often. I love this vape and it fits in my pocket better then the Terra. Makes me wonder how many other portable vapes last this long, my experience says not many! Was recently reading about the horrible reliability of Storz and Bickle's Mighty and Crafty. I read of people sending them back for repair or replacement FIVE and SIX times! For $399 ( for a mighty ) The damn thing should NEVER fail! Bet S&B regrets their 10 year warranty....... But my $130 Focus Pro just keeps going and going! Hell, even the standard model still works, in fact I just gave it to my son!
www.fuckcombustion.com is a better source of info than most vaping review sites. And I personally have own most of the so called "best" vapes and most have left my unimpressed. Do some digging and you'll find things like the Mighty has a horrible reliablility record, some people have had to warranty their vape 5 and 6 times! lots more good info out there. But I stand by my review and it still holds up against other vapes in and above it's price range. It's alo the only one I've owned that has lasted 3 + years!

Thanks for the recommendation, but I haven't seen anything about it on https://vapingdaily.com/ and I usually check on any gadget there. Kinda useful if you don't want to buy some crap :)
www.fuckcombustion.com is a better source of info than most vaping review sites. And I personally have own most of the so called "best" vapes and most have left my unimpressed. Do some digging and you'll find things like the Mighty has a horrible reliablility record, some people have had to warranty their vape 5 and 6 times! lots more good info out there. But I stand by my review and it still holds up against other vapes in and above it's price range. It's alo the only one I've owned that has lasted 3 + years!
Well, I guess I need to spend some more $$$! LOL!
Thanks for the long term review!
LMMFAO! I forgot that I had already searched this site for a review on this vape. I must have been smoking some of that severe couchlock canna my cousin cane me!
Leave it to pop to back up a buying choice!
Thanks for the review. I have ordered a Pro. Will be my first vape model...