Outdoor Flowering rates/size



I have 3 chronic ryder on the go, 1 purple maroc, 2 Russian Rocket Fuel & 1 Afghan Kush Ryder, the 1st RRF is about a month old & looks great, pistols shooting out.
The Chronic ryders were grown in poor soil to start, then stunted a bit when transplanted into a 1 litre hempy bucket in coco, then stunted again when planted in a 2 gallon hempy bucket.
They germed on May 31st and have been flowering for just over 3 weeks- they started flowering on July 22 .
My camera is in my gals so no pics but they are filling out-not as fast as I want tho,
What I would like to know is how much does the bud fill out in maybe 3 weeks and have the plants possibly went to a longer flowering period ie typical Chronic:eek:
Btw all autos will be grown in soil from now on
I'm subbed man! Best of luck with all of it! I'm not sure as to the answer to your question. I'm sure a more experienced grower than I will pop in and help ya out! I'll be following! Hope to see some pics soon mate!

its possible unfavorable conditions may push them into a longer flowering cycle, not by much tho maybe 10-15 days...my Russian rocket fuel didnt really start filling out until day 50...and it willl most likely finish in around day 70
Hey bro. How's everything growin'? Your plants ever start to fatten up for you?
Hey bro. How's everything growin'? Your plants ever start to fatten up for you?
Hi dude
Pulled one of them the smallest and got 4 GRAM, lol I pulled a second maybe a week early judging by the trichomes tho it was 6 weeks into flower and I got about 1 oz, the best one I have left for another week, tell you something tho I definately recommend Chronic Ryder to smoke-powerful stuff, my gal had a puff-she doesnt usually, but to test my wares I gave her a single spliff, wiped her right out lol.
A mate came round - a fellow grower who had some NL & the CR blew it away-the NL buds were massive as well.
Just got in from work & in came another buddy who like 99.9% people I know-knows nothing about it, I told him the CR was from a local town & he was raving about it wanting to buy some lol, none left.
Next year I am going to have all the ground properly prepped in a much bigger polytunnel with an area layed out for my autos -6 at a time with two harvests, right into deeply rotovated ground with Blood fish bones, good compost & a ton of John Innes mixed through it all all done organically.
How are you?
Sounds awesome bro! Good job! I bet you were feeling proud when your buddy wanted to buy some! lol It's such a rewarding feeling when you grow killer stuff! I'm doing well thanks! Just harvested some Snow Ryder. Got about an oz between two plants. One was a mutant that I pulled two pollen sacks off of it but it gave us some pretty decent buds and yield. It's drying/curing right now. Got a few Assassins and Himalayan Blue Diesel. One NYLD x Pineapple Express female. Two Assassin Females. Rest are seedlings planted this week and last. They are all pictured and documented in my "FFOF and HF Seedling Comparison Grow" thread. Great to hear you got some great smoke! Things starting to calm down over there yet? For your sake I hope so! Cheers Mate!
Yes its all calm now but some shocking shit went down, a guy got 4 months for nicking a bottle of water, people have been threatened with eviction from state owned council housing because their kids rioted, I mean rioting, murdering, setting fires is wrong but the gov then ordered the media to hand over all their coverage to charge more people-outrageous, just like the good ole US of A the peoples rights are being eroded.
Time everyone stood up against these criminal Banksters everywhere, just like Iceland did-they said a private Banking institution going down is not the Icelandic peoples responsibility and the debt was wiped out-why not us as well?
Yeah there is some crazy looking times ahead Wvr for all of us, its the kids I feel for tho-fuck all future.
You sound like you have some good gear being grown, I defo have to get better lights to grow thru the winter.