Indoor Five's Round 4 Second Auto Attempt - Critical Auto - Coco/Perlite - CFL/LED

So after two weeks we finally have our internet connection back!!! Apologies for the lack in updates but we're now back on track!


Our Critical Auto is now 7 weeks old and still looking pretty good. I am a little concerned about the lack of stretching though. I noticed that in my last grow, the plant that had the best buds also didn't seem to stretch much, however the other two that didn't get as much light stretched all the way to almost touching the LED. I'm wondering if the LED is maybe too powerful and stopping them from stretching?
Each time I have had this size plant it ends up around 30 grams of dried bud, but the last plant that did have a big stretch managed 85 grams. Now the 30 gram plant had buds 10 times better than the 85 gram plant but I still thought it was quite a big difference and the only thing that was different about each plant was the first one had direct light where as the other did not until the last few weeks.
Any thoughts?

Also, I have noticed after taking some pictures that there is a couple of "rust" like spots on a couple of the older leaves. 98% of the plant looks nice, green and healthy but it does cause some concern to see rust.
After some googleing I found that a lot of people say it is usually to do with the environment but it is the same grow space I have used every time and not had this issue before. In fact every other time there was 2 or 3 plants squashed in, where as this time we only have 1.

On a side note, being this plant only has about 3 weeks left until it should be ready for harvest I am planning to germinate another two seeds and begin the next round. So keep an eye out for an update with a new journal link!


Thought I would take some pics of the leaf issue we're having as I can't seem to pin point the issue by looking at deficiency/problem guides.
It appears to me as though it is either pH issues or Calcium deficiency. Thing is though, I always measure pH before feeding and also in run off and every time it is between 5.7-6.2.
I'm also using Canna Coco A+B nutes which I believe extra CalMag is not needed for.
So I'm not sure what could be causing this issue. Is there anything anyone could suggest?
Being 3 weeks from harvest it is really concerning me

Thanks guys!!

Found two of these little fuckers!!
Hopefully there aren't more of their friends still hanging around but will give a few sprays of neem oil over the next couple of weeks just to make sure.

Any one have any advice on if/when I should do some defoliating? A lot of the leaves are covering the bud sites and it's getting very difficult to tuck them all

Gave our girl a spray with Yates Success Ultra during today's dark period as was advised on another forum to fix my caterpillar problem. So hopefully we won't be seeing anymore critters eating my lovely plant.
Other than that there has been a bit of stretching which is good to see, however the overall development appears to be a little behind schedule. This is advertised as a 9 week, seed to harvest Auto and the plant is 8 weeks old tomorrow.
I will keep feeding it nutrients until I see the buds develop properly but I'm wondering if I have done something wrong or maybe just crappy genetics? Any thoughts would be appreciated :)


Also, any thoughts on defoliation at this time would be awesome :)

8 weeks old now and still going strong. It has been almost a weeks since I have seen any signs of anymore grubs so very happy with the results from the Yates Success spray.
I have also now run out of Ryzotonic and have switched to using Seasol instead. For those who don't know this product, it is basically the same as Ryzotonic (smells the same too) but many growers claim it does a better job. It is used for all plants in all mediums and works an absolute treat on everything. I even use it on the lawn and she now looks gorgeous!
I highly advise this product for those who can get it however it is Australian made and owned so not sure if they export. I used it in my last grow and saw insane differences in root development from previous grows so I know it's good stuff. Plus, WAY cheaper than Ryzotonic!! about AU$6 per 1L, not AU$25 for 250ml like Ryzotonic.

Anyways, starting to see some amber pistils and buds fattening up a bit which is always nice. So all in all we're still on track and looks like harvest should be around 2-3 weeks away, only slightly going over the advertised time.

To your previous question You can start defoliating the odd offending leaves here and there right now if you want to, it won't bother the plant, well so long as you don't strip it, i'm more aggressive than most with doing it but that's with my own grows and limited space.

Presume your probably starting to transition the feed to just straight water at the moment or shortly ?

looking good btw, and i subscribed to your new thread.
To your previous question You can start defoliating the odd offending leaves here and there right now if you want to, it won't bother the plant, well so long as you don't strip it, i'm more aggressive than most with doing it but that's with my own grows and limited space.

Presume your probably starting to transition the feed to just straight water at the moment or shortly ?

looking good btw, and i subscribed to your new thread.
Thanks for the advise Mr Sparkle, I've already started removing the leaves here and there to make sure all bud sites aren't covered and will continue if needed.
Still feeding at the moment but will start flush in about 2 weeks I think

Now 9 weeks old and still a couple of weeks to go in my opinion.
All in all still looking good though. Starting to get a lot of nice trich production and pistils are about 50% amber now. Will start taking some microscope pics to check trich colour from this week and will post for you guys to have a look. Everyone likes trich porn ;)
