Indoor Five's Round 4 Second Auto Attempt - Critical Auto - Coco/Perlite - CFL/LED

Jun 7, 2016
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Hey again guys!

Having another go at some Autoflowering strains as I really enjoyed growing these last time.

What strain is it? 1x Critical Auto + 1x Bubble Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Both Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? 75% Coco/25% Perlite
Size of light? 8x 24W CFL's for Vege + 300W MarsHydro LED for Flower
Is it aircooled? Passive intake. 4" Duct Fan + 4" Carbon Filter
Temp of Room/cab? Between 20-38 Celcius (Depending on season)
RH of Room/cab? Between 50%-75%
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days or as needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Canna Coco A+B + Ryzotonic+Cannazym+PK 13/14+Boost

So far we have not had the greatest start.
I put both seeds in moist paper towels as I have done every other time before and had 100% success and within 48 hours the Critical Auto had popped and developed a nice long tap root. This was then planted in the coco mix and put the propagation box on dark schedule for 6 hours ready to begin 18/6.
The Bubble Kush on the other hand failed to pop at all and after 5 days of waiting I decided I would try popping another one as I figured this one must be a dud.
In this time the Critical Auto has popped its head above ground and appears to be growing nicely. I have given it one feed of 2ml/L of Ryzotonic so far and that's it. I'm planning to begin feeding as soon as I see the second leaves appear.
Now back to the Bubble Kush, which still hasn't popped and neither has the second one I attempted to germinate. After 2 days of waiting on the second seed I noticed it had cracked open and I could see what appeared to be a tap root inside but hadn't come out yet. After another 24 hours nothing had changed. Getting a little frustrated I decided "fuck it!" and planted both Bubble Kush seeds in a pot of coco mix and added some 2ml/L of Ryzotonic just to see what happens. I'm not expecting anything to happen to be honest which is really annoying as I don't know what I have done wrong. I figure I'll just have the Critical Auto and try to grow it out as much as possible and hope for the best.

We are at day 4 since the Critical Auto popped above ground

Hey again guys!

Having another go at some Autoflowering strains as I really enjoyed growing these last time.

What strain is it? 1x Critical Auto + 1x Bubble Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Both Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? 75% Coco/25% Perlite
Size of light? 8x 24W CFL's for Vege + 300W MarsHydro LED for Flower
Is it aircooled? Passive intake. 4" Duct Fan + 4" Carbon Filter
Temp of Room/cab? Between 20-38 Celcius (Depending on season)
RH of Room/cab? Between 50%-75%
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days or as needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Canna Coco A+B + Ryzotonic+Cannazym+PK 13/14+Boost

So far we have not had the greatest start.
I put both seeds in moist paper towels as I have done every other time before and had 100% success and within 48 hours the Critical Auto had popped and developed a nice long tap root. This was then planted in the coco mix and put the propagation box on dark schedule for 6 hours ready to begin 18/6.
The Bubble Kush on the other hand failed to pop at all and after 5 days of waiting I decided I would try popping another one as I figured this one must be a dud.
In this time the Critical Auto has popped its head above ground and appears to be growing nicely. I have given it one feed of 2ml/L of Ryzotonic so far and that's it. I'm planning to begin feeding as soon as I see the second leaves appear.
Now back to the Bubble Kush, which still hasn't popped and neither has the second one I attempted to germinate. After 2 days of waiting on the second seed I noticed it had cracked open and I could see what appeared to be a tap root inside but hadn't come out yet. After another 24 hours nothing had changed. Getting a little frustrated I decided "fuck it!" and planted both Bubble Kush seeds in a pot of coco mix and added some 2ml/L of Ryzotonic just to see what happens. I'm not expecting anything to happen to be honest which is really annoying as I don't know what I have done wrong. I figure I'll just have the Critical Auto and try to grow it out as much as possible and hope for the best.

We are at day 4 since the Critical Auto popped above ground

Subbed in, nice setup
Let's see what you baby will do.

Hey guys, heaps sorry for the delay in updating this journal. Work has been killing me lately and I just haven't had the time to spend here as I would like.

Anyways, still no sign of either of the Bubble Kush sprouts so I've pretty much given up on those.
The Critical Auto however is doing nicely. Have given two feeds of Canna A+B with Ryzotonic at 300ppm so far and she seems happy. There has been 7 days between the feeds due to the large pots taking time to dry out. I didn't saturate the pot the second time so should be less time between feeds now.
This is how I did the last batch of Autos and they turned out pretty good so I'm pretty much copying that process. The only difference is I'm using Canna nutes instead of GH.

Check out my little baby


Our little girl is doing nicely! She looks very green and happy and has had a lot of growth over the past week so I'm happy with her.

Not much to tell but wondering if anyone has any advice as to best time to top this girl? Being an Auto, I don't want to wait too long and have her go in to flower so any tips would be great.


This girl is growing quick and looking like she is almost ready to top, what do you guys think?
She is 20 days above soil and in week two of feeding (about to start week 3 in next couple of days)

Nice looking plant bro. I would love to her oh natural she looks like she will be a great producer. Personally I never top a auto bro and have grown some huge arse plants But if space is a premium then I see the reason behind it take care.

3 weeks old and crazy growth happening this week, has been awesome to watch!
Our girl was topped a couple of days ago and it didn't seem to effect her at all, still going stong! Upped the feed a bit and sitting around 400ppm at the moment so all in all, she is looking very happy. I also tried to do some LST but the branches seem a bit short at this time so will give it a few more days.
I have removed the other pot as it was quite obvious the two seeds were never going to sprout. Unfortunate yes, but they were freebies so no big deal. I also still have two more left so may give them another go in the future.

Nice looking plants! How big is your grow space?

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Thanks mate! :)
At the moment she sits inside a cardboard box lined with Mylar and underneath 4 cfl's. It measures 45Hx100Wx40Dcm.
However this is just a starting box. The main space is a wooden cabinet, also lined with mylar and measuring 120x90x60cm. I currently have my previous grow finishing inside this cabinet and it should be about 2 weeks until she is done and the Critical Auto will move in

Our girl is 5 weeks old now and still going strong. The main grow cabinet has been emptied due to the latest harvest so I have now moved the Critical Auto out of the propagation box and in to the cabinet. I left the LED at maximum height which is about 65cm (25") from the canopy and she seems to be pretty happy but I'm not sure if I should start lowering it. In the past I haven't seen too much reaction from the plants when moving the light closer or further away, however in the last grow the plants got a little out of control and ended up within an inch of the LED. I would have thought that would do a lot of damage but the buds seemed to thrive and get larger than I have ever had before.
So I'm wondering if I should keep the LED a lot closer than the normal advice for a LED light? What do you guys think?
Feel free to check out my previous journal to see the plants almost touching the LED and the results of that, I thought it quite interesting. But yeah, any advice on this would be great as I'm quite unsure. Also, I have only one plant in the cabinet this time so it has more room than it should need to grow and being able to get things like lighting right would be a big benefit.

Topping has produced some great results so far. Heaps of colas springing up all over the place! I have tied a lot of them down to try and train the plant as evenly as possible but she has so many now it's getting hard to control. Loving the challenge though ;)


As always, love to hear what you guys think!!