Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Bubble Kush Auto + Think Big Auto

Jun 7, 2016
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More autos!!!
Had a few issues getting this round started unfortunately. Started off with 2x Bubba Yum Autos but they never popped. I then tried another 2 but had the same issue. Was using the same paper towel method as always so not sure what went wrong here.
After the failures I decided to try some others as I have no more Bubba Yum left (they were freebies so I don't mind so much) and also decided to try a different germination method.
So I took a Bubble Kush Auto and a Think Big auto and placed them in separate glasses of water. This proved to be the way to go as both popped within 48 hours and we now have two new babies in the world. :)

What strain is it? 1x Bubble Kush Auto + 1x Think Big Auto
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Both Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? 75% Coco/25% Perlite
Size of light? 2x Mars ProII Epistar 160's
Is it aircooled? 2x 4" Passive intakes + 6" Inline Duct Fan + 6" Carbon Filter
Temp of Room/cab? Between 20-38 Celcius (Depending on season)
RH of Room/cab? Between 50%-75%
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days or as needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Canna Coco A+B + Silica + Seasol+Cannazym+PK 13/14+Boost

I will include the nutrient schedule I am using for anyone interested. It was created by a user called Buzzo and I have added in Silica as I believe it helps with the high temps that I often have, if you google his name with autoflower you will find his journal.

Day 1 to Day 14/Week 1 - 2
Canna Coco A & B 0.5 ml per liter if using Worm Casting at 50% or 1 ml per liter if using WC @ 30% or less
Seasol 4ml per liter
Silica 0.25ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 0.4 to 0.7

Day 14 to Day 28/Week 3-4
Canna Coco A & B 1.5 to 2 ml per liter
Seasol 4ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 0.5ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.0 to 1.3

Day 28 to DAY 35/Week 5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 4 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
PK 13/14 1.5 ml per liter (Not recommended to use this for more than 1 week)
Boost 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.8

Day 35 to Day 53/Week 6-7.5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 2 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Boost 3 to 4 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.5

Day 53 to Day 60/Week 8.5-9.5
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Total E.C approx 0.2

Bubble Kush


Think Big


Seedlings have sprouted up nicely and appear to be going strong. Still going off the original precharge in the coco but planning to give them a light week 1 feed tonight as they seem to be pretty established now.
They might be a little bit far away from the light as they have stretched a little bit already, however it's not too drastic so I have decided to leave them for the time being and monitor it. These lights are pretty strong so don't want to over do it when they're so young.


Think Big


Bubble Kush


Insane growth seen on Think Big, she has doubled in size in the past few days and is going strong. The Bubble Kush is growing nicely too but no where near as fast as Think Big. Even though she is a few days older she is almost half the size. Not really worried though as I have seen Think Big grown before and it is a powerhouse from start to finish, just can't wait to see what she turns in to!

Think Big


Bubble Kush


The girls are now 6 weeks old and really growing well. Think Big has taken off like a rocket and is having some insane growth and the Bubble Kush isn't far behind.
Just finished giving them a week of PK14/15 and going in to full bloom nutes from tomorrow.

Due to them getting so big and sharing the space with my previous grow which is yet to finish they are a little close together at the moment so individual pics were hard to achieve without removing them from the cabinet which I just couldn't be bothered to do tonight lol.

Bubble Kush on the left and Think Big on the right.


7 weeks old now and still growing strong. Bubble Kush seems to have a few more bud sites than Think Big but she is also meant to have a shorter seed to harvest time so I expected her to start budding up before Think Big.
I'm really hoping my previous AK49 grow finishes soon as I'm quickly running out of room for these two girls and would really love to give them all the room they want to spread out and flourish, but we'll manage for the time being.
Have to move house on the weekend so will have to put a garbage bag over the girls while they take a little ride in the car to the new place. I can't risk them being seen so have to cover them up. They should be ok as it's only about 10-15 mins to the new place and then they get put straight back in the cabinet to chill ;)

Think Big


Bubble Kush

Looking at your girl with think different is giving me an idea of how my flowering will look when I drop my Dutch Passion star Riders my concern is Adelaide flowering because currently I have all those on week 7 and they are frosted and seems like they're ready to finish within the next two weeks but I read and it takes up to 12 weeks from breaking soil to harvest so I'm going to definitely have to learn how to be patient your Buzz look amazing they look healthy and green keep up the amazing work

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Looking at your girl with think different is giving me an idea of how my flowering will look when I drop my Dutch Passion star Riders my concern is Adelaide flowering because currently I have all those on week 7 and they are frosted and seems like they're ready to finish within the next two weeks but I read and it takes up to 12 weeks from breaking soil to harvest so I'm going to definitely have to learn how to be patient your Buzz look amazing they look healthy and green keep up the amazing work

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

Thanks goodgrace! I found mine all go longer than the advetised time so I expect more than 12 weeks
The girls have now settled back in their cabinet in the new home and don't seem to have been bothered by the move at all. I managed to have them out for only 3 hours longer than the normal dark period so I don't think they really noticed it. The cabinet took a bit of a bashing but is still in one piece and only a small repair needed.

So after all is done I'm pretty happy on how they survived. Such hardy plants they are!

Lot's of growth on these two girls and they're looking delicious. They could do with a little more room inside the cabinet as they look a little squashed but unfortunately I have to wait until the previous monster AK49 is finished before they will get to stretch out a little. Despite this they still look good and developing some nice looking bud sites.

Apologies for how long it's taken me to get pics up but since the move I've been too busy and lazy to get my ass together and take some pictures.

Let me know what you think!!


Think Big


Bubble Kush
