Indoor First Time Shared Member Grow

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They're in your standard multi-purpose stuff from wilkos...bout 3quid for 20L if memory serves

Thought so with your female dominance....:thumbs:

I think your probably right on both counts... They're on a red light and it has been chilly...combind with the fan which is a bit big for the conditions, more of a summer fan.

Damn...just checked your list..with cold cupboard and low should have had BlackDragon in....:D

Get me your safe addy if you are DragonHugging...:wiz:...also..I have some Unusual tomatoes...

I'll mail you a link..if you want any..I can stick some in your envelope..just let me know....
Cheers for that sativalover...some useful info there.
The Dragons are outside full time but they're not sitting directly on the concrete...unfortunately tho the temps here are dropping low at night. They're getting a decent amount of sun but it is still cold.
As for the ones indoors certainly something to bear in mind for future runs

Cheers Wiz i'd love to try some black dragons in there...the tomatoes too. It's my first attempt at veg but I like unusual...I'll PM you...
if temp isn't tooo low but you want to slow down cold transfer place warmer containers in trash bags and pull around the plant base onclosing the whole bucket and tieing off around base of plant but this will also hold in humidity more and should be used in larger plants later in the season
i have some foil ducting i place around containers if they are getting too much sun in summer to reflect the rays of sun but will also hold in heat early in the sesason when they are slightly heated during the day but slows the radiation of heat from soil as temp of bucket lowers changing the temp of medium
Well...been a while since an update. Grey Donkey assures me the girls are doing well and has promised to post some pics when he gets the chance.
It's been about 10 days since i last saw them myself which is like having an itch you can't scratch... especialy since i was mooching around my last grow 4 or 5 times a day!!
Here's whats happening with my Dragons...
The sun has been out more and with it has come another set of leaves on 2 of them... still not much to write home about. I think i started them too early for the shite weather we've had.
I'm getting a mini greenhouse soon though so that should help, if not these, then the next lot.
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Here we go then with the photos...
about 7 weeks in and they're looking v. healthy...props to grey donkey, seems to be getting the hang of the indoor grow lark.
As you can see, a few issues with light penatration but hey we're both on a learning curve. Apologies for quality of the pics... on my iphone and time was an issue
The 4 JEM/Whores are in the corners and the PAK/Whore is in the middle
Got 1 real tall one, haven't measured her but i'd guess over a foot :ama:
But my fave is the PAK/Whore:D
And she's got colour:wiz:
The two tiddlers have been chopped
Purple Russian
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And Blue Himlaya
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Considering they started their meek existence mid january they've done well:smoke:


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Cheers Griever
I'm looking forward to seeing the colour on the PW and if any of the JW's get any.
Might have to 'restrain' the tall girl at some point if she gets too tall, you can probably see one of her leaves got a bit close to the bulb​
Nice indoor growing m8s! It looks like your own private jungle :)

I think the greenhouse will really help you out Smokey, because the temperatures will increase inside and that will boost up the transportation of the elements in the plant.

Best of lucks
Cheers mate
I have to say i was impressed when i saw them... donkey done good
I think i'm going to germ 2 Black dragons and 2 of Wiz's new dragons tomorrow then they can go in the mini and hopefully do better than the thunders... just realised the significance of their names, it's done nowt but piss it down since they went out
geez! Get them off the backyard allready then! I am waiting for some good old sun aswell! :crying:

ps: did you get my pm? :P